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(Not actually asking)

If you work at a hospital and you call in sick.
Do you still show up ?

  1. givingtnt


    It's legal here, I can get my own thank you very much xD 

  2. soldier_ph


    Yeah then you can just walk into ER and treat yourself.

  3. lewdicrous


    You have to go to a rival hospital just to spite your coworkers. /s

  4. ARikozuM


    That'd be an interesting monologue. 


    Doctor: Have you been sexually active lately?

    Patient: Pfft... pfft... no. Yes! Like all the time! My wife doesn't love me anymore. 

    Doctor: I feel your pain, buddy... Let's talk about that little pill. The one that starts with a V...

    Patient: Ooh, I think I like where this is going. 

    Doctor: ... and ends in ancomycin. You have an upper respiratory infection. Take for 7 days and we'll see you back when you're better. 

  5. ARikozuM


    @lewdicrous I don't know. I don't think anyone at the hospital wants to know about your respiratory rate among other important numbers. 
