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Everything posted by P4ZD4

  1. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/y740d9d3.aspx
  2. start(){ remove(max(root), root); remove(max(root), root); } remove (String key, node position) { if(root == null) return; if(position.key > key){ remove(key, position.left); //keep searching for key node on left } else { if(position.key < key){ remove(key, position.right); //keep searching for key node on right } else { if (position.left != null && position.right != null) { next_max_node = max(position.right); position.key = next_max_node.key; remove (next_max_node.key, position.right); //next goes onto remove next_max_node value } else if(position.left != null) { position = position.left; } else if(position.right != null) { position = position.right; } else { position = null; } } } } max(node) { maxnode = node; while(maxnode.right != null){ maxnode = maxnode.right; } return maxnode; }
  3. You can make the variable static, that would keep the variable reference the same between different instances of form1.
  4. what do you mean u don't have a stream of data?
  5. How do you even find anything with a 100 tabs
  6. P4ZD4

    SQL question

    Since its 30 for every additional hour it should be like this? CASE WHEN EstHours = 1 THEN EstHours * 70 ELSE 70 + (30 * (EstHours - 1)) Also can just have 70 instead of EstHours * 70
  7. Its a if/else shorthand using ternary operators (statement) ? (statement true value) : (statement false value)
  8. There's enough AMD leaks to create a new forum section
  9. You're still in school i presume?
  10. How long are you planning on keeping this up?
  11. Yeah, most of today's games aren't very "logically demanding" and most resources go into making the game look better.
  12. I think this is giving OP the impression developers do nothing
  13. It's a programming interface so what the devs see is a set of methods they can invoke using some parameters and that makes the API needs to do that task. So what the devs do is they search for the API docs(the manual) of the API they want to use and choose what method they're going to use to get something done (example). Then all they need to do is call that method (in this example using a url). Its kind of hard to explain unless you have an basic understanding of how programming work.
  14. Well if i was to give a really simple example its like ordering delivery, the API is how you order, the API documents are the menu you order from and what you get delivered is the functionality the API service provides. Its a set of "standards" so someone can use a service someone else is providing. As an example the Google Drive API provides developer way to interact with with the user's google drive to store, retrieve and modify files. So the API is the "standardized" interface the developers work with to extend/use those functionalities.
  15. If i may add a small suggestion, I would also have the upper and lower weight limit declared as variables. Have it defined as a variable at the top makes it easily changeable and reusable. Also makes it readable in the places you use it without requiring you to comment what your trying to accomplish. (having it as weight > maxWeight is more understandable than weight > 500) readable code >>> commented code
  16. If you don't need portability maybe look into getting a laptop + external gpu dock. Haven't personally owned/used one but i think it will add more longevity.
  17. ^ This should have worked. You're column names should be firstName, lastName and password but instead are set to FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME and PASSWORD. Debug onCreate() and seeing what String exec is set to. edit- On second thought maybe your column names are getting converted since column names aren't case sensitive. So everything is getting turned upper snakecase.
  18. Maybe you plugged the monitor into the motherboard instead of the video card.
  19. this should also work string vowelCharacters = "aeiouAEIOU"; if(vowelCharacters.contains(firstLetter)){ ... }