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Everything posted by wilbso

  1. wilbso


    This farcry 4 news is everywhere, facebook, twitter, here. Whys it such a big deal. Hope it's good though.
  2. Finally. I never really had problems without using PayPal on the play store, but this will make it a lot easier for everyone.
  3. THE WAR IS OOOOOOOOOOOONNNN! Seriously though, what, to them, classes as 'Inappropriate'?
  4. This sounds really cool. Can't really imagine what it would really look like though.
  5. This sounds pretty bad... Though it is there choice if they want to wear protective clothing or not...
  6. Yay. Could get the r9 280, or 2 gtx 780's. To much choice
  7. This scared the crap out of me when I read it, because 2 days ago I just added a new browser to my account (well, it didn't work, it just kept loading and did nothing) but it didn't ask me to upload any file. Phew. Plus it was the legit website. How are people getting that link though?
  8. Pretty sure the NSA is about involved with everything bad that's happening right now. NSA are in the sh*t here.
  9. Integrate a function where you can stop auto drive and be able to drive yourself, and I would be happy to buy one later on it life. Unless they invent horverboards....
  10. Well I'll be damned. Didn't expect that.
  11. I agree, it's good and bad. I think the part about it being able to track where you are for emergency services is good, but the EU will take advantage and track every move we make without us knowing, like the NSA with the IE bug/hack.
  12. Awesome What mobo do you suggest? And, I can't wait to buy the GPU's, sounds pretty good.
  13. Thanks Also, do you mean the LG 34UM95-P? I also saw a whole thread on 21:9 monitors that looked good: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/99471-lg-showed-off-new-lcd-monitors-in-ces-2014-including-several-219-monitors-and-a-4k-monitor/ Thanks for your answer though I'll keep the parts in mind when I gather some money up.
  14. Image of the layout in the spoiler. Had to censor out most of the stuff (Client info)
  15. Ikr, I looks to simple to me. Doesn't look at all right. I agree, it's already a good layout.
  16. Hey! So as the title suggests, I need help picking out some kick-ass parts. You can view my current specs on my profile, now I need some good parts that will let me game on ultra on most games (BF4, Bioshock infinite, etc) and run Photoshop, Illustrator and Visual basics at the same time. Now my build currently does PS and Illustrator great anyway, it's just I need an upgrade to play games on ultra. So, I'm hoping you guys will have some suggestions. I would also love it if you could include a monitor in your suggestion,I'm looking for 2 monitors hopefully. I don't mind about the price right now (I'm gonna have to get some kick-ass paying graphics work to save up for this ) so suggest anything you want. Preferably I want 2 big monitors. Here are some rough ideas I already have in mind: i7 6-core (Might be overkill, but I would love one as it would help alot) (Not sure what model though) Either, and NViDIA 780ti or a Titan z/AMD r9 290x Thats about it so far That's why i need your help with parts to upgrade If you can suggest a CPU, GPU and monitor and any cooling to add, I would be very happy Thanks.