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  1. imreloadin


    Time to watch the Repubs all backpedal on their "let the election decide the appointment" shit they pulled in 2016...

  2. Trik'Stari


    A fair point. Although it'd be interesting if they didn't.


    I'd also point out that most of the left wing appointed judges completely ignore the law in favor of activism. Just look at the entire Flynn case if you want to see the blatant shenanigans.

  3. imreloadin



    A fair point. Although it'd be interesting if they didn't.

    Pffft like that was ever going to the case 😂 they're already set on pulling their 180 like expected:



    I'd like to remind everyone that Antonin Scalia died in February of 2016, 9 months before the election, and the Republicans stonewalled Garland (Obama's appointee) making their claims about the election deciding it. You'd think that needing a replacement less than 2 months before the election would be even more cause for it to be decided by the election but that would only be logical🤷‍♂️

  4. Nowak


    "the left wing appointed judges"


    imagine if they actually were

  5. Trik'Stari


    I'd prefer not to imagine. We wouldn't have much in the way of civil rights if that was the case.


    The republicans will do what they want, I'm willing to wait. Not much else I can say about it.


    I'd like to point out that I originally shared this without commentary or opinion.



  6. Trik'Stari


    Interesting thought I got from discussion elsewhere.


    Trump nominates Trey Gowdy. Discuss.


    Honestly, I'd support that. Trey Gowdy was one of the few congressman that I actually had some respect for. IIRC he turned down offers to run for president (I'd have gladly voted for him).

  7. Trik'Stari
  8. Nowak


    "I'd prefer not to imagine. We wouldn't have much in the way of civil rights if that was the case."

    Leftists were the ones who led the civil rights movement. Democrats really don't want you to know that though, they'd rather take the credit for themselves despite doing fuck all but demonizing protesters with the Republicans.


    Honestly, all I can feel right now is stress. Stress and worry. I think I might retreat back to Final Fantasy XIV to cool off a bit. Bleugh.

  9. Trik'Stari


    I feel the stress with you, although I disagree with you.


    The left is absolutely not in favor of civil rights, that is one thing that is absolutely certain about history if you read the books they hold as nigh holy teachings. The only thing they care about is power and controlling the narrative.


    I should point out that the left is the one presupposing refusal of acceptance of the outcome of the election, never mind them having spent the last 4 years denying the outcome of the last election.


    I'm hoping that Trump is smart enough to refuse to nominate anyone until after the election. I don't know that he has done so at this exact moment. Maybe he will, maybe he won't. It would be the smart move to refuse to nominate anyone until after the election.

  10. Nowak






    yeah I'm just gonna go look for the rainbow swash in flight sim

  11. Trik'Stari



    You watch the whole playlist and tell me that left wing judges are a good thing for the country, or any country.


    You can predict the outcome of a court case relatively accurately, based on who nominated them.

  12. Nowak


    Here's a hint. A lot of - actually all of - what the GOP calls "leftists" are center-right, which is pretty far-removed from leftism. The absolutely useless public servants you see who think that the best solution is the easiest one, even if the issue's far more complex than that, like guns? They're center-right.


    They stand for fucking nothing, and RBG was part of this.

  13. lewdicrous


    You know your system is fucked when those who should be impartial, judges, take sides. Doesn't matter if you lean towards the Republicans or the Democrats. 

    They're the ones that should be as unbiased as humanly possible, instead their position, the supreme court, is being politicised.

  14. HalGameGuru


    To be fair one instance was a lame duck presidency on the way out, this case is a still running president going into an election. I would argue Dems should actually WANT this, worst case scenario is he chooses a bad nominee and people may sour on voting for him. I don't think anyone wants to imagine Biden having a say in a future justice.

  15. GableHares


    On 9/19/2020 at 7:18 AM, Nowak said:

    "I'd prefer not to imagine. We wouldn't have much in the way of civil rights if that was the case."

    Leftists were the ones who led the civil rights movement. Democrats really don't want you to know that though, they'd rather take the credit for themselves despite doing fuck all but demonizing protesters with the Republicans.


    Honestly, all I can feel right now is stress. Stress and worry. I think I might retreat back to Final Fantasy XIV to cool off a bit. Bleugh.

    It sounds like you're expressing frustration over the current political climate and a sense of disillusionment with how history is presented, particularly regarding the civil rights movement. You're pointing out that leftist activism played a significant role in advancing civil rights, but the credit and recognition for that work might not always align with the historical record.

    Your comment about the Democrats taking credit while demonizing protesters alongside Republicans might reflect a broader frustration with mainstream political narratives. It's not uncommon for political parties to adopt successful social movements into their rhetoric, often downplaying the radical roots of that movement. The civil rights movement, while led by many activists with leftist ideologies, has often been sanitized in mainstream history to fit more centrist narratives.

    It's also understandable to feel stress and worry when confronted with these kinds of contradictions in society and politics. 
