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I'm seriously getting tired of the bias on this forum in regards to politics.

  1. imreloadin


    You didn't know? Anything even slightly more right than the left is the work of satan and you're a racist douche if you agree with even the most commonplace of things that can be spun in a slightly right wing manner...

  2. Trik'Stari


    I agree.


    I'm seriously getting sick of this shit.

  3. The Sloth

    The Sloth

    Politics is fun long as you don't take things too seriously. Also its important to know whats going around you, events like the Hongkong protest will impact a lot more than just them. Also it's impossible to not have bias, that's what makes us human. 

  4. dizmo


    AKA they don't agree with you?

  5. wANKER


    You learned the hard way? 

    I mean it's clearly stated in the rules politics isn't allowed and has been the case since day 1, and is well known 


    Really not difficult 



  6. Tech_Dreamer


    Got another warning point? lol
