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Everything posted by prolemur

  1. I would like to compress messages sent from my nodejs / express server. So far I only see 2 ways of doing this. Use the same java gzip program on the server and client. This would be simple on the client since it is also coded in Java. The server however, is in javascript. So I would have to execute that java program using exec. Next, the gzip java program would have to read and write somewhere. Would I read and write to a file, then read from that when I'm sending the message, or the easier sloppy way to print to the console (which exec has access to). There might be a gzip program on the npm that does what I want and I'd just have to make sure the java version is using the same settings for memory and compression levels. The reason I can't just do the following is because the goal is to compress the actual response. So instead of getting xml with a readable message, it is compressed there. let compression = require('compression') app.use(compression()) instead of github repository: https://github.com/Ershany/Red-Crow PS: just a little background, I need that xml.response.message to be compressed because I want to send it as an SMS, decreasing the size of this, will decrease cost and make the application faster.. unless compression is slow
  2. prolemur

    Hey guys I'm still alive

    Halfway done a cs degree I hope to be more regular on here in the future
  3. There appears to be an event for checking if the element has 'ended' for audio and video. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2741493/detect-when-an-html5-video-finishes https://www.w3schools.com/tags/av_event_ended.asp You could then change the video source to the next video from your 'ended event handler' and reset the time to 0 and whatever other attributes needed. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8402158/html5-video-javascript-controls-restart-video Hope these resources help with your wallpaper engine.
    1.   Show previous replies  1 more
    2. Tech_Dreamer
    3. prolemur


      Halfway done a cs degree :) 

      I hope to be more regular on here in the future

    4. babadoctor


      hey its lemur :) 

  4. Lol I did ask so nicely You must get into node, I've been using it for my webdev class and I think I'll continue to use it later I think the error is probably in the node app.post function then since: $.post('/recipes/', recipeObj); $.post('recipes/', recipeObj); $.post('/recipes', recipeObj); $.post('recipes', recipeObj); this prints {} 4 times on the server side, meaning all the requests are reaching that app.post statement. Node told me to use / in one of the express tutorials, so ya it's fucked. It's this damn body-parser module
  5. Hello friends, I'm trying to handle a post request to my nodejs express server. It will be sending a JSON object and it should write that to a file. Right now my jqXHR isn't being sent properly, i think... So here's my code idk where the problem is /* NODE JS SERVER: */ var express = require('express'); var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); var app = express(); var jsonParser = bodyParser.json(); app.use(express.static('assets')); app.use('/recipes', express.static('recipes')); app.listen(PORT, () => { console.log('Express @ localhost:', PORT); }); app.post('/recipes/', jsonParser, (req, res) => { console.log(req.body); // this is just an empty object, not the recipe object :( }); /* JAVASCRIPT / JQUERY: */ $('#submit').click(() => { var recipeObj = { "name": $recipe.children('option').filter(':selected').text(), "duration": $duration.val(), "ingredients": $ingredients.val().split('\n'), "directions": $steps.val().split('\n'), "notes": $notes.val() }; console.log(recipeObj); // this console.log work in printing the object $.post('recipes/', recipeObj); }); THANKS PS: I used example code from: https://www.npmjs.com/package/body-parser#express-route-specific https://api.jquery.com/jquery.post/ @Hazy125 heylo
  6. you could make a script to run this one multiple times. I was also thinking of making one because my bandwidth doesn't cound toward my cap from 2am - 8am, so (this script + a little cron job + list of youtube subscriptions + last time it was run) = awesome
  7. It is super easy in Java BufferedImage img = ImageIO.read(new File("image-orginal")); // change pixels in here with img.setRGB(x, y, rgb) ImageIO.write(img, "png", new File("image-final.png"));
  8. I believe this runs the first command and then if it was successful the next command is run after, so not at the same time && would work well for apt-update && apt-upgrade though
  9. No clue, but i think you need at least php 5.4 to use short tags. which is the same version magic quotes got deprecated. coincidence? i think not!
  10. cool projector wonder if you'd be able to project onto like a translucent wall of glass or something and be able to see it on both sides. I want to share whatever I'm watching on the big screen with the neighbourhood
  11. You'll probably want to make a function that takes an argument, then hide all of the items except the one passed in by the argument.
  12. You could do SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `pin` = $pin $pin being the number submit in the form, so probably $_POST['pin'] and if the number of rows returned is greater than 0, the pin was in the table at least once. http://php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.rowcount.php ps: Make sure you used prepared statements and clean user input.
  13. You could edit your 'best answer' and share your solution for anyone else that has a similar problem
  14. Lol if it's not false, so if it's true
  15. If you could use php and a database that would probably the way I'd handle. With just html and css angular like Nuluvius mentioned is good for single page apps/sites. It could be done the ghetto way by having all the elements in the html but only displaying the one's with a certain id and changing the display: none; in the css
  16. 110% agree, we need to be pouring more money into fish ai
  17. Using enumerations would make the code a lot more manageable public enum Day { SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY }
  18. 1440p monitor(s) and the rest on books for whatever I'm currently into: node, express, mongoDB etc. Having a high res monitor would save a bunch of time switching window to window, when they could just be side by side
  19. Well you're going to need to call keyChange somewhere in your program