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Everything posted by maxdei

  1. that is the problem his current card barly get 40 fps in actual tripple a a lowest settings or even 30-20 fps
  2. damm thats why it told to use the money you got from selling it
  3. looks good (but kinda wired to pit minecraft as one of the least demanding games on optional and office too if you can run cs you can minecraft) would keep the hdds as like randome drives to put games you don't play often but don't want to download all the time more storage is more and if you don't want to flipp it i would use a much as possible even if there is a better option when you can without any problems just slam your old stuff in as a nice little bonus gb if you have money spare i wouldn't upgrade the gpu asap because the 1050ti is decent and it isn't worth the money upgrading to a 1060 or rx 580/590
  4. no offense but triple a titles with a card that is 7 years old what tripple a title is this first of all every good gpu will be bottlenecked by your cpu and the other way round because it is cheaper to go with the better gpu i would go this rout because you don't want to go the upgrade path of yes this is an old archietcture that is in games totaly out performed by a lot and isn't much more expensive and more future proof your 760 struggles in any modern triple a title i found even a lower res like 1600*900 dropping often between 30 fps without looking good all the settings as low as i could go yes so thats not to good for like 200usd would get a used rx 580/590 8gb (especially if used for mining guys i know they run a lot a 100%(more like 80 due to undervolting and underclocking(it is like a truck if they have 10 times the millage of car they are still in a better conditions) those cards didn't heat up because nobody cared about noise so fans to 100%(also a good example is a chain if you stress it hard for lange time minimal damage if you often push it over its limits rapidly for long time its gonna fail sooner or later )
  5. or just more ram that will make a bigger diffrence without costing more in my eyes if you have 16 gb
  6. i think 16 gb are more than enough when you don't do 4k or higher video editing, i wouldn't go for the 2tb ssd but use hdd. combine that with the used price for a 1060 6gb and you probably will get a 2060su/2070 that would be the best choice in my opinion and don't waist for then 15 bucks on the x variant
  7. probably not if you dont go crasy with the clockspeeds
  8. or fake cable mods because it isn't about the athetics is it about it being simple a ducking cable
  9. first i would need a region for amazon or tech sites to get nothing from germany so the shipping won't be 50 €
  10. go to the advanced dive control in the settings and give it a name there so windows can identify it my father had this problem with an external ssd fixed it that way
  11. yould go for custome cables probably the only way to get two cables for a psu like prw mixes maybe not the most expemsive but like all black or what ever is cheap and looks halfway decent
  12. they are good nower days and often you get more value from amd but at least with the ryzen 5 3600 and the more high end ryzens from that gen you won't be able to get all cores to the may single core or even above that like in last gens
  13. i know a good froend of mine has 6th gen lenovo i5 and it doesn't even last an hour of youtube without being charged so this is where my fear comes from
  14. but what about battery life time the thing is you get better cpu and so but if the battery is crap you can like use it for only 1 hour it isn't worth it due to the age i won't supsect the battery to be in good shape or even new being good in todays one charge use times
  15. budget? if you need to get new mobo and cpu go ryzen depending on the budegt a 1600af(6core) or the new ryzen3 4 cores but better single core
  16. if light video editing is ike shortening clips maybe but nothing more will be possible without it being nerveracking get the cheapest amd ryzen laptop
  17. vertical mount and sound card may not work due to space
  18. try to find the best site for your region for comparing pirces there are smetimes more region specific sites that have more shops near you like in the german speaking contrys this would be "geizhal.de" but i don't know your region so yes
  19. i don't know never had this problem so never went into the sc audio settings but from a theoretical point of view this is the best explanation
  20. used market midrange gpu like rx 590 or midrange gtx 1060 6gb or 1070 used and then wait for ryzen 3 with b 450 bios upgrade done
  21. change some stuff in the settings maybe because there is no other logicla explination for it working fine in other uplications but not working well in cs
  22. and where is the problem with this there alot of good non sponsored videos so they don't have finacial interest in you buying this one over another i don't know if pcpartpicker can get commusions i am not familiar with this site
  23. maybe smaller like 550 psu and use the money for a 500gb ssd or 2tb hdd if in your budget or if in budget get a 2060su/2070 (rebrand)