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Everything posted by DubMFG

  1. What you need is an EDP adapter, follow the instructions in this Thingiverse post for more information about building your own monitor from an old laptop: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3668657
  2. I am very, very excited for this. The dual screen potential, 4gb ram, and gigabit lan are going to make this little guy a POWERFUL SOC. Not that Rpi's weren't already amazing, this is just, extra amazing.
  3. Dig the design, and all the work you put into it. That being said, how would you argue a $1000 pricepoint against the newly released DJI Drone tank? https://www.theverge.com/2019/6/11/18661741/dji-robomasters-toy-tank-drone-price-specs
  4. Throwing in my vote for the Ender 3, Its been a great machine for me so far
  5. I highly recommend the Ender 3. Buy the Capricorn tubing replacement and the new bowden fittings right off the bat, though. I also like the glass bed that Creality3D offers, especially for printing in PETG
  6. If you're doing small, teeny tiny things, in super soft material, these work OK. If at all possible however save up and buy a Shapeoko/Nomad/MPCNC
  7. You could measure the current draw across the battery to see if it is charging after it should have completed charging. Otherwise, the best bet is to recycle it and get a better battery charger for peace of mind.
  8. ^ what he said. Also, is the board new, or could the pin be fried?
  9. Could you give us some specifics on the the model of electric clay thrower you plan to use, and how it is currently actuated? At a base level, there will most likely be a low voltage trigger that actuates a relay to fire the clay. As accessible as Arduino and similar microprocessors are, I would keep it simple and use an off the shelf remote circuit switch, like this: https://www.amazon.ca/Anntem-Wireless-Transmitter-Universal-Controller/dp/B07JG1PMGF/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=remote+circuit+switch&qid=1551218485&s=gateway&sr=8-4 If you specifically want a foot pedal, you'll need to replace the button on that particular solution with wires to a foot pedal, they can be found online as well.
  10. I can appreciate the extensive commenting in your code! There looks to be a short delay between the audio and the visual, I wonder what the interpolation delay is between the source and output. With some diffusion on there I think that will be awesome! Perhaps you could use the strip to illuminate a frosted plexiglass panel from the bottom, like this:
  11. Seems like the video got taken down for audio. Are you diffusing the light at all or just running straight LED strips?
  12. Well you have a couple ways to approach this. You can get a alexa-capable relay board to control the two circuits (light, fan), but if you want speed control on the fan you may need to investigate further to see how speed/direction is controlled your particular fan. I could imagine using a servo hacked onto the drawstring as well but that's getting a bit janky.
  13. I think the ender 3 is the best bang for the buck at the moment. It needs a teeny bit of modification for reliability (push to connect fittings, bowden tube) but after that its an amazing little machine for the price. Being able to get it next-day from Amazon is a nice perk as well.