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Everything posted by UncleJarvis

  1. For those old enough to have a refund coming, what are your plans on any future money? New PC? Upgrades? I'm just curious since I plan on getting a new camera to replace one stolen from me.
  2. I haven't been to a gym since my college days. I ride a bike everyday having giving up the car in 1992. My cowokers say I don't look young for my age. I eat fast food like a porn star gobbles cawk.
  3. Yeah I'm old school like that. I build PCs on the side and used to be a lead tech for a major retailer. Once chipsets drivers are onboard everything falls into place. That bundled stuff seems to load enhancement software not needed.
  4. Amazing isn't it? When I was in college my landlord was a hunter and would share some steaks with me as payment because I did yard work/landscaping for him during the summer. My roommate had a dog and it would get the cut raw scraps and bits and pieces before I cooked my meals. Not many dogs feasted on elk/moose/deer like that one did.
  5. She's a hunter all right, a dream hunter!
  6. Also depends on what level of IT you are looking for as a career. I was self taught "read all the books" and got a job in IT for Tmobile and Oracle. I even became a lead training tech for a major retailer. Granted they were not the best paying jobs, relatively speaking (I wasn't poor, paid the bills) but got lucky I guess back in the day...late 90s and early 2000s.
  7. Is it telling you to install a legit battery? Swipe right? Popcorn ready? Dunno man.
  8. Disgusting! I grew up a real kid and played with them in the dirt and sand. I'm sure I have a dozen or so in storage. All scratched up. Scratched up. Crooked wheels. No original packaging. ??
  9. I'm waiting for crotchless jeans so I can wear my tiger print thongs I used to wear in the 80s.
  10. My last purchase was a bottle of red and sparkling wine on New Years Eve. Had shots of whatever in between.
  11. Anybody watching tennis right now?
  12. One of the benefits of having old eyeballs is I don't notice the diff between high and medium settings unless I put my reader glasses on. Besides, I'm too busy not dying in a game instead of going oooh and ahh at leaves on a stupid tree.
  13. Had a Windows phone when I worked for TMobile, won an iPhone in an online contest, now using an Android phone because it was cheap at $50. I only use it for texts, phone calls and Instagram. I don't use it to catch the Pokemans or keep up with family news on the Facething while Twittering on the toilet.
  14. I've been using the Blu-ray player from Leawo for over a year now. It is a free program without strings attached. They make their money selling other kinds of software. You can get it at https://www.leawo.com/blu-ray-player/ The install is painless with no sneaky side installs of spyware. After the install you get a popup asking if you'll want to install the Java Runtime component which is used for internet access to special features on some discs. Usually they point to the movie studio with "extra" features related to the movie. It is completely optional. I didn't install it and my movies play fine. The program will also play other video formats. I just updated the software and am watching the movie The Martian in 5.1 audio goodness.
  15. This is the closest you nerds will ever get to sexual activity. Such a shame. End it all off a high bridge but give me your gaming PCs first. ?
  16. Maybe the customer ordered it that way? Either way, it looks messed up.
  17. Similar to my older build (6th gen CPU). I have a 650 watt power supply (was on sale) for that plus 2 additional HDD, Blu-Ray player and a 960 GTX. Could go with a 600 watt since not all of the stuff is running at same time.
  18. I use a 1 TB green to store my photos and documents. So far so good.
  19. How long are you talking about? My experience is only up to 50 ft which has no bad effect on gaming.
  20. I don't think they are saying it is useless but you going to manufacture's website gets you the latest drivers. Who knows what driver version is in the program's database.
  21. I can't stand the gym, never liked it. I do bike ride almost everyday for general fitness and to get out of the house, especially when the weather is nice.
  22. Here's a trip into the wayback machine. Is 4 MB plenty for your gaming needs?