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Everything posted by badreg

  1. You don't own the vehicle when you lease it either, nor do you build any equity during the term of the lease. You simply have an option to purchase it at a pre-agreed price at the end of the lease period. With a lease, you are locked in to term of the lease without an easy option to exit it early if your situation changes. You are also completely on the hook for any damages to the vehicle despite having no ownership interest in it. It would make sense for a subscription to cost more than a lease. If it costs the same as a lease would, a subscription model would be a no-brainer for anyone who would have otherwise leased.
  2. badreg


    Got it. The other posts above are correct. You'll need to configure the point to point network between the two devices. Right now, the traffic is routed through the router.
  3. badreg


    You can't jam 2.5Gbps through a router that can only go 1Gbps. Edit: What does this mean? How exactly are the devices connected to each other? As in there is one cable directly between the two devices and another cable from each device to the router?
  4. It's already a reality, so instead of being afraid of it and trying to fight a battle that has already been lost, you should be trying to figure out how to adapt to it. In a world without privacy, security is what becomes important. It doesn't matter if bad actors have your personal data if they can't breach your accounts. It doesn't matter if Google or Amazon uses your data to serve you personalized ads if you block the ads in the first place. Hiding behind privacy is the same as security by obfuscation. Yes, it makes you harder to track, but just because you use a VPN, it doesn't mean that a neural network can't make a very good guess about who you with just a digital fingerprint. The solution is not to find better ways to hide. The solution is to make your data worthless to whoever might be interested in it.
  5. There are literally tens of millions of people paying private companies for the privilege of having their DNA stored in a database, which can be sold to the highest bidder. There are enough DNA samples in the database to be able to make very good guesses about the identity of an unknown DNA sample not in any database, compromising the privacy of everyone in the world. That fact that you still care at all about someone else's privacy habits means that you are failing to see that this battle has already been lost. Those who care about privacy will become a smaller and smaller group, and privacy will be more difficult to maintain regardless of what precautions and mitigations are taken.
  6. Can't help you then, because that's what your manual says. If the option is not there, your BIOS thinks that you don't have an iGPU.
  7. Set Chipset -> Integrated Graphics to Forced.
  8. By default, a GET request to "/images/9e3a0083a37d03274c0f733fbcf389ba/tenor.gif" returns an HTML page, which sends another GET request with different request headers to the same URL, which returns the image itself. First request and response: :authority: media1.tenor.com :method: GET :path: /images/9e3a0083a37d03274c0f733fbcf389ba/tenor.gif accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 ................ content-length: 2180 content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Second GET request and response: :authority: media1.tenor.com :method: GET :path: /images/9e3a0083a37d03274c0f733fbcf389ba/tenor.gif accept: image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,image/*,*/*;q=0.8 ................ content-length: 3119003 content-type: image/gif There is definitely something server side going on. Removing text/html from the Accept request header will return the gif immediately when loading the image URL directly. curl (which uses Accept: */* by default) will also return the gif. It seems that the server is exploiting the fact that all modern browsers have "text/html" in the headers by default, and simply uses this as a check. If the Accept header contains this string, it means that the request was initialized via the address bar of the browser or via an HTML <a> element, so the server returns an HTML page to the user. The second request was initialized through an <img> element, which has different default Accept types, and the server returns the actual image.
  9. You plug a CAT 5, 5e or 6 cable into it, and you get Internet/networking? An ethernet jack is not something rare, so what exactly are you asking? If you're wondering why there's two, the other one has a faster link speed.
  10. Local traffic does not route through the WAN, so it only goes between your devices through the router. Again, an ISP gateway could conceivably (read: highly unlikely) collect metadata on your local traffic, like how many bytes are transferred to and from each device, but no one outside your network will be able to see the packets (unless there is something seriously wrong with your network security or you have malware on your devices). Using your own router will completely eliminate any chance of your ISP knowing anything about the activity on your local network.
  11. Your ISP can do deep packet analysis to get metadata on your traffic. Most web traffic is encrypted, so they won't be able to see the actual data, but they'll be able to make a very good guesses about the data. However, in practice, no ISP is going to monitor its customer base in this way. For the average consumer, most of the data they gather come from your DNS lookups. Change your DNS settings at the router level, and they'll no longer have this information. Regarding your local network, if you use the ISP gateway, it is possible that it could phone home about what devices are connected to it. But they don't have access to the individual devices on your network through the gateway. If you use your own router behind the gateway, all the gateway will see is the router, and will have no way to see individual devices behind the router (unless you deliberately set your router a certain way).
  12. Do you have a problem with the term "Wi-Fi" as well? Evidently not, because you have no problem using it. Wi-Fi is also a marketing invention and its name tells nothing about its technical implementation. The only difference between "Wi-Fi" and "cast" is how long they have been in the public consciousness. Nevertheless, the phrase "casting to another device" is not new, and has been relatively well understood for at least the last five years. When OP says "cast", I immediately understood that to mean that the goal is to connect to another device wirelessly, either to mirror an entire display or to play media on one device using another device as an input. It certainly does not mean to connect a display with a cable. The "cast" in Miracast and Chromecast essentially mean the same thing. Even if it is a marketing invention, the fact that multiple companies use the term in the same way is evidence of adoption. That's what I mean when I said that cast is the correct term to describe what OP is trying to do. The fact that a CS rep did not understand the term has no relevance here. OP is asking the forum for help, which presumably has greater technical knowledge than an average CS rep. And just think about how difficult it would be to ask this question without using the word "cast". The right-click context menu of a media file in Windows 10 literally has an option to "Cast to Device". Is OP supposed to say "I tried right-clicking and selected 'Toss to Device' but all I got was a black screen. Please help"?
  13. Cast is the correct term here. As in Miracast or Chromecast. It means to either mirror a display wirelessly, or using one device as a remote and playing media on a separate device.
  14. I use a 13 year old camera for certain commercial projects, because it is the only APS-C body I own. The 10MP sensor is perfect for the amount of compositing I need to do on the images, and is sufficient for the output specs. I charge thousands of dollars a day for a camera that had a <$1000 MSRP at launch and is worth probably around $100 today. It is by far the best ROI camera that I own. Cameras are tools. If they get the job done, then they're fine. If you need to do something that your current tools can't do, then get a better tool.
  15. They're all the same speed (i.e. all wired through the chipset with a link speed of PCIe 3.0 x4). However, the first one should be used first as that one does not disable any of the SATA ports when an NVMe drive is installed.
  16. The code runs as is. What exactly are you having an issue with? Based on your post history, it seems that you are lacking a fundamental understanding of how the code works, so copy and pasting other people's code is not the best way to learn. Read through the functions to understand what each one does and how the program flows. BinaryWriteToFile is supposed to write to a file and return a status code, indicating success or failure. Currently, it is hardcoded to return an error code of 2. WriteFile calls BinaryWriteToFile. If BinaryWriteToFile returns a code other than 0, it calls the pointer function that it received as its parameter. main() sets the pointer function as SError. SError defines a string array, and prints the index of the return value of BinaryWriteToFile. Since BinaryWriteToFile is hardcoded to return 2, SError prints index 2 of the err[] array, which is "Write Error\n", and this is the output of the program.
  17. You'll easily be able hit 240fps at 1080p with a 8700k. A 10900k will hit higher FPS and higher 1%/0.1% lows, but I don't think that this is relevant in practice.
  18. It's not. It's objective truth. OP would need a new CPU, new RAM, new motherboard and a new PSU. Which is an entirely new system. I don't mean that the prebuild system is bad; it is just that nothing in that system is unsuitable for the purpose of being paired with a 3080. It's not a bad system, so you don't have to sell it if you have another use for it. But don't try to plop a 3080 in it, because everything will need to be changed out, so you're better off starting from scratch.
  19. Start from scratch. Nothing in there is worthy of being paired with a 3080.
  20. Do you need to change it back when you close the target program? Does it need to change dynamically based on what the window under the cursor is (for example, if you are running windowed mode, or Alt-Tab out of the game)? And are you loading in a different system cursor, or a custom cursor? There are too many variables in your question to give you an answer.
  21. What is the type of the variable myExam? Which header file might contain the definition of strcpy()? What IDE are you using? You should be receiving these hints in the form of warnings and errors even before attempting to compile if your tools are set up properly.
  22. Not sure how it works with an EV, but all modern ICE cars are controlled through software, and power output is controlled with engine maps. An engine map is basically a table that controls the amount of fuel injected and ignition timing at a given engine load. Forced induction engines can also run higher boost to increase the amount of air going through the engine. Change the map, and the engine output will change. This can be compared to how CPU and GPU boost tables work. The downside of burning fuel faster is increased heat and wear, which requires a beefier cooling system and reduces the lifespan of the drivetrain. Most modern cars come out of the factory with a lot of "overclocking" headroom, so a simple software flash can unlock a significant amount of power. However, it comes at the cost of reliability, so manufacturers void warranties when an ECU is flashed. Even if we discount R&D costs, it is not "free" for Tesla to offer an update that increases power output. They are taking on the risk of increased warranty repairs on a higher power output compared to a more conservative one.
  23. 74GB in 4200 seconds is 140Mbps. That's nowhere near 500Mbps. While it is higher than 100Mbps, that could be due to overprovisioning, or you are not measuring correctly.
  24. It's not at all. If you frequent car forums at all, you will find plenty of people who are willing to pay a hefty premium for an "inferior" (i.e. less power) tune that comes with a warranty over a better one that voids the powertrain warranty. 4.8s -> 4.3s amounts to roughly a 75hp/100lb-ft gain, and would bring the power numbers close to the next trim level up, so $2k is quite a bargain if it mattered to you. This is only a story because Tesla never used to charge for speed upgrades before.