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Everything posted by jiyeon

  1. @colonel_mortis It appears to be quite an on-and-off issue with my status updates not appearing. I posted once about 10 minutes ago and this one too is also absent. And as per usual, it's showing on my activity tab:
  2. First casualty in the family tonight...


    I was getting tired of the Zeals I had in my backspace and escape key, so I decided tonight to replace the switches inside them to my beloved lubed Teals, thought it would be an easy process, but I ran into what can only be described as staring death in the face.

    I was trying to pull the tabs on the Zeal housing and I somehow managed to bend the top housing's tab...



    While I did eventually get it out, this poor little Zealio was not looking too pretty. The top housing was warping all over the place and one leg had actually snapped off. It was horrific to see it.



    I did manage to get the top housing free from the bottom housing, but unfortunately the top housing was far too gone for it to be salvaged. Its mounting tab had been bent inwards, and one of the legs had snapped. I can't believe this happened. That's a $1 switch and somehow I managed to wreck it from what what would have been a simple key switch swap.

    I'm obviously going to keep the stem and spring for later use, but as for the housing, this thing can rest in peace.




    I guess the PSA here is to be extremely careful when removing switches from sockets, otherwise you're going to ruin your $1 switch and be left with only a stem and a spring.

    1.   Show previous replies  2 more
    2. Cyberspirit


      Oh no, how did that happen? Did the switch get stuck or something?

    3. b emoji

      b emoji

      Which switch puller are you using? I would recommend you get a better one, Rama is releasing one soon https://ramaworks.store/products/switchpuller-xo

    4. jiyeon


      I'm just using the one I bought from KBDfans, the combo keycap-keyswitch puller, it does the job, I just think I was a little heavy-handed, @b emoji.


      My guess is that I probably latched onto the wrong area of the housing and split the housing instead of catching the underside, I could hear the wrong plastic bending so at that point, it was already too late, @Cyberspirit. :(

  3. I bought a 4-switch tester along with my Teals and Inks just because I thought it was dumb to stress the hot-swap sockets on my main keyboard. Having a tester allows me to try out switches whilst not damaging my keyboard or interrupting my typing.

    I also have spare Akko World Tour Tokyo keycaps too so I can have a sort-of-but-not uniform aesthetic with both my keyboard and my new switch tester in the same theme.


    So far, I've been testing Gateron Inks and Gateron Reds, Gateron Inks are by far my preferred switch as they feel much more smooth and pronounced compared to the Gateron Reds which are too light and sound too hollow for me, both are lubed, of course.


    I know acrylic will sound different to a proper aluminium plate, but this 4-switch tester is better than having to remove a switch out of my board just to test a couple switches, investment well made.



  4. Desktop is empty of icons, all my files are on a single drive (I have a lone 500GB SSD in my PC), and my downloads & pictures are always clear of junk or unwanted files. Start menu has about 20 go-to applications that I can access just by pressing the Windows key.
  5. jiyeon

    Thanks to you, I'm thinking of getting a mechan…

    It depends on how much you're willing to put into such a project. Switches alone can run you from $15 all the way up to $60 and that's excluding any other additional modifications such as lubing. I would say a decent one would run you anywhere from $150-$250 depending on where you shop, what you go for, and ultimately how much you want to put into it. For context, my keyboard as it stands has costed me $170, and that's because I elected to choose a DIY kit and source my own keycaps and keyswitches which kept the price down.
  6. jiyeon

    As I'm chilling tonight, unwinding to sombre Ko…

    It's a bit early to consider making a career out of it, I'm barely a quarter of a year into this hobby, and I've only built one board so far despite all my experience with multiple switches. I also suck at contacting brands, I've had a few people encourage me to try secure a sponsorship with someone like KBDfans, NovelKeys, Zeal, or Kailh but I'm too shy and a nobody in the keyboard world at the moment. Would be sweet to make a career out of a hobby though, no lie.
  7. As I'm chilling tonight, unwinding to sombre Korean ballds, with my new Tealios installed into my keyboard, I thought I'd look back at everything that's happened since I entered the mechanical keyboard scene.


    In no particular order, I have:

    • Built my very own 60% keyboard
    • Experienced the following switches:
      • Zealios V2, Kailh Box Jade, NovelKeys Cream, Gateron Ink Black, Cherry Speed Silver, Gateron Red, Gateron Blue, Gateron Brown, Hako Clear, Hako Violet, Kailh Box Heavy Pale Blue, YOK Trash Panda, Outemu Blue, Aliaz, Tealios, Sakurios, Rosélios
    • Learnt what lube is and how to lube switches
    • Experienced buying from NovelKeys, KBDfans, Banggood, mykeyboard.eu
    • Learnt how to read actuation force curves
    • Learnt how PCBs work
    • Learnt how to solder (but haven't experienced in person)
    • Learnt who the preferred brands are for switches
    • Given multiple pieces of advice to people based off the experiences and research I have done for myself
    • Inspired a couple of people here on the forums to try get into mechanical keyboards for themselves
    • Enjoyed this mechanical hobby and will continue to do so :)


    Pile of Tealios switches included because I prefer to include images with status updates and also because I really like this picture of my Teals



    1.   Show previous replies  2 more
    2. XR6



      Even start your own premium keeb business.

      This is a really good idea. I'd buy a sowon branded keyboard..

    3. jiyeon


      It's a bit early to consider making a career out of it, I'm barely a quarter of a year into this hobby, and I've only built one board so far despite all my experience with multiple switches.


      I also suck at contacting brands, I've had a few people encourage me to try secure a sponsorship with someone like KBDfans, NovelKeys, Zeal, or Kailh but I'm too shy and a nobody in the keyboard world at the moment.


      Would be sweet to make a career out of a hobby though, no lie. :P

    4. Energycore


      @sowon Running a business is as terrifically hard as it is fulfilling. Let us know if you make the choice :)

  8. @colonel_mortis It happened once more. My status update which was posted 4 hours ago isn't displaying anymore on my main profile page, I know because I definitely complained about not posting the image earlier in the day. Showing up on my status updates page:
  9. jiyeon

    New Tealios switches officially installed. (Tec…

    Nope, I've done nothing with the stock stabs yet. I was curious while my keyboard was in the nude to play around with the stabs, but never got round to it.
  10. New Tealios switches officially installed. (Technically they were installed 5 hours ago but the forum bugged up) Now I'm running 62g Zealios, Sakurios, Rosélios, and Tealios, all inside my keyboard, and all the switches lubed, of course.


    I ended up lubing the Teals with Tribosys 3204 as my Krytox 205g0 is late, they still feel great nonetheless and are exactly how I wanted them to be.


    Fun fact, my keyboard now has $61.80 worth of switches inside it, Zeals and Teals are $1 per switch, and the Sakurios and Rosélios are $1.20 per switch. It's expensive, but it feels amazingly smooth.



    1.   Show previous replies  2 more
    2. seon123


      Not that could be one expensive swipe

    3. Dissitesuxba11s


      Have you lubed, clipped and/or band-aid modded the stabilizers yet? Might be your next project in case you start noticing those rattly stock stabs.

    4. jiyeon


      Nope, I've done nothing with the stock stabs yet. I was curious while my keyboard was in the nude to play around with the stabs, but never got round to it.

  11. I reported the same issue earlier: Best to watch my thread and see what comes around.
  12. Please stop making such repetitive posts and make an informed decision with all the information you've been given. Ducky One 2 Mini RGB as far as I can see is a 60% keyboard whereas the HyperX Alloy FPS Pro is a TKL keyboard, you need to decide what form factor you want.
  13. At the most inconvenient of times as well, I was busy lubing up keyswitches for a solid 3 hours and the minute I finish, I get the random number errors, amazing timing. AMAZING TIMING.
  14. When I try to paste a picture in, I get this '-200' pop-up and it's evidently really annoying. I can't actually paste it as the forum won't let me upload any pictures to this popup.
  15. My KBDfans package arrived - 68x Tealios, 10x Gateron Ink Blacks, and a 4-switch tester for easy testing.


    I have a long day of lubing ahead of me. Let's hope I have enough Tribosys 3204 to last it all!



    1. LukeSavenije


      waiting for the new loob pictures

  16. Not to be rude, but you really have to try make some independent decisions for yourself to prevent yourself from creating multiple, repetitive threads here about various keyboards. They're both relatively the same, I think you'd just need to choose whichever keyboard has switches you prefer as well as if you're familiar with the software included for the keyboards. Both are pretty expensive for what they are, but I would personally choose the HyperX Allow FPS Pro since both use Cherry switches and I'd rather not pay over $100 for a board with Cherry switches.
  17. jiyeon


    I like it! Great use of all possible space in that small case of yours.
  18. I took to the Logi forums, and found these steps: Press Window + R, or, simply press start on the screen. Type in "regedit" without quote. Navigate (plus sign on the left) to "\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" Right click on "Uninstall" Click on "Find.." Type in "Logitech G HUB" without quote Window should have highlight folder call "{521c89be-637f-4274-a840-baaf7460c2b2}" this may be different on your machine. Click on step 7 folder ({521c89be-637f-4274-a840-baaf7460c2b2}) Right click > Delete Done, now you can launch the installer to reinstall it. I haven't tried them as my G-Hub is working so it will be of no use to me to try these, but do let me know how you get on if you try these steps. Deleting Logitech G-Hub files isn't as simple as pressing 'uninstall' since like I mentioned earlier, Logitech software tends to have dependencies elsewhere. Based off these steps, you should be able to get G-Hub responsive.
  19. Try run it in adminstrator mode and see if it launches anything, rather than simply double-clicking the .exe.
  20. So are you just completely stuck on a black page? How long did you wait before concluding that it's stuck? You're not able to see this page here? I recommend running in administrator mode to see if you're able to get to this page below:
  21. Oh, my mistake there. So when you launch up G-Hub, are you not given a setup prompt like this below?
  22. You should have ideally uninstalled both Logitech Gaming Software and Logitech G-Hub simultaneously as both clash for priority of control for your peripherals. I know, it sounds stupid, but it's Logitech's thing now that they're trying to migrate everyone to G-Hub, but I digress. Uninstall both programs, reboot for a clean start to make sure all Logitech Gaming Software dependencies are cleared, and install Logitech G-Hub only.
  23. Source: The Verge A study done by Counterpoint Research has conveyed that out of the top 10 manufacturers, Nokia is the fastest, topping Samsung for the number 1 spot, achieving 96% of devices running Android 9 Pie. I don't think it's a very high bar to clear since a good majority of the manufacturers tend to update their arsenal of lineups pretty darn late. I remember owning a Samsung Galaxy S8 - which I have now handed down to my mother - and it took easily 8 months to get to Android 9 from when Android 9 was released to the public. If Samsung is rated at the number 2 spot for most supported devices with Android Pie running, I wonder how long the others take... It's such a shame that these phone manufacturers don't support their older devices for the newer software, which prevents people who want to experience the new and improved, shiny Android version just because their choseh handset won't support it, or will, and get the update 9 months into the future. Software updates complaints aside, praise to Nokia though, I haven't heard that name in a while in the smartphone game, so it's nice that they're still top of the class in software support, again not that it was a high bar to clear in the first place with Samsung taking eons to update their recent and supported phone models...