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Everything posted by Misanthrope

  1. 1) That's long term not gonna do nearly as much damage as you'd think: Smaller operations have recovered from worst scandals, this will die down within a week tops and he'll stop bleeding subs and merch buyers. He might even start growing back up with a single popular video of say, covering a popular product launch. 2) Let's assume that I'm dead wrong about everything in 1) I still think that while Linus deserves every bit of backlash he has coming to him, most of his employees do not. In fact they flat out told him he's wrong, repeatedly, strongly and he still overwrites them. So the better action people should encourage is to reach out to all LTT employees and encourage them to pick back up that Unionizing effort Linus tried to illegally kill. At the very least they should be organized to find other job offers and support each other while being able to organize a walk off and stop producing content or maintaining anything for LMG until they make actual substantial promises where pretty much Linus steps down and loses editorial control and is barred from making any public statements or appearances not previously vetted and agreed upon (That means previously scripted) by all pertinent and affected employees. An actual strike would actually get things done and teach this little man some humility.
  2. Don't mind me I'm not actually back, but I obviously had my interest peaked enough to come watch Mr Linus fumble his way through this one, pure Schadenfreude for me skimming through hundreds of pages. Also some people should come up with job offers for many of the valuable LTT employees that shouldn't be stuck on a sinking ship that cannot possibly keep the massive ego of his owner afloat (pun intended)
  3. I do have another PSU but I don't want to touch my working rig at this point. If I have issues with RMAs or something I might give that a shot but at that point. Thanks for bouncing ideas btw.
  4. Yes I am thinking the same, except my other mobo is B350 and the CPU is 1600 so there is no way to test them for me at all. If there's no solution (Which I doubt there is but I still wanted to bounce ideas off people) I am still within RMA returns for well, everything so that's no issue I would rather just return CPU, Mobo and GPU and just get some other parts a few months down the line.
  5. Hi. Yes I am back, not planning on staying too much but I think there's some people here who might have ideas. Here's the rig I am working with: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/The_Misanthrope/saved/#view=ZjTfvK Issues: 1) Installed Windows Pro 10 without issues 2) Installed a bunch of software also no issues 3) Sometimes at launch or when displaying large images (Like my 4k wallpaper if I updated it or if the screen refreshed after something) would result in artifacting that goes away after restarting 4) Games appear to launch ok at first but did not test for long just 5 minutes on Witcher 3 and Cities Skylines 5) Random reboots start 6) Installing Skyrim SE produced many errors, unable to launch the game, after like 8 attempts and changes (Running as admin, compatibility mode, redownload, full steam and game redownload on different directories, etc.) It randomly decides to work. 7) Artifacts on random images continues. I decide to test Witcher 3 and I notice all water reflections also have the same rainbow artifacts I get on static images only permanently so. 8) Trying to restart the game immediately produces a Windows Bluescreen. Steps 7) and 8) are 100% repeatable: I launch, see rainbow artifacts on water reflection. Close the game, restart it and get blue screen windows crash. 9) Just to discard NVME drive issues I boot from my current SATA SSD, completely different OS (Windows 10 Home in this case) boots successfully, same artifacts on wallpaper on launch, Witcher 3 shows same rainbow artifacts on water reflections, Restarting Witcher 3 produces a Blue Screen of Death again in the same way on a completely different drive and OS So at this point I am pretty sure the 3070 vision needs to be RMA The issue however, is not that. I have a 1070 on my other system, I put it in instead of the 3070, no video. 1) I tried reseating it, no video 2) I tried putting the 3070 back in to check the BIOS (It is possible it defaults to PCI-E 4.0 and would not boot like that) but again no video. 3) I tried resetting the bios with CMOS jumper, no video, with either card. 4) I tried reseating the RAM DIMMS and cleared the bios again, used the known-to-work 1070, no video. 5) I put the 1070 back in its current Ryzen 1600 separate rig with Windows 10 Home, works fine. So at this point I am not sure why clearing the bios is not working out. I could try to remove the battery but it involves dissasembling the motherboard: the B550 Aorus Pro AX does not have any screws for the metal cover over the VRMs and CMOS battery so I suspect I need to disasseble the backplate, then the front VRM plate, etc. Any ideas on how to post the 5900x rig again? I still am within RMA periods for all components so I am not concerned and have several working system so even if I am unable to purchase another 5900x or another 3070 or 6800 for several months it's not a big issue for me, but I wouldn't want to RMA everything (Except the GPU that one is clearly damaged) if I have a working CPU and Mobo. So
  6. There's 2 types of projects and companies working on Linux: 1) Those working on "their own thing and failing" 2) Those getting shit done I agree that the expectation shouldn't be "Cannonical shouldn't be 1) and instead needs to be 2)" but if you recall, my beef was with everybody else in the Linux world assuming Cannonical was a good 2) and investing their projects into their base when they're clearly 1)
  7. Perhaps now it is but it was unnecessary at the time specially in the state it launched initially: a stupid attempt at trying to enter the mobile phone market and you see how THAT turned out. I can't really change your mind when it comes to preference but when it comes to Cannonical as a company the record speaks for itself.
  8. It's been what, 15 years? But I feel an "I fucking told you so" is warranted here: all those other distros should have avoided fucking with Ubuntu and instead work off Debian instead. Which by the way it should still be an option. It will imply quite a bit of development but hey, MX Linux (Debian based) did it right it's about time they share the top spot with Manjaro (Arch based)
  9. Sure it's not like transphobia has real world repercussions. (Also notice the dates, these are all current news)
  10. "Everything is sexist, everything is racist and you have to point it all out" - Most famous quote taken seriously when the context was specifically to self-deprecate about that very attitude.
  11. "The critics are wrong" is such a shit take honestly: it puts Liberal against Liberal in a competition of "Who's got the most social capital" (i.e. Followers and media attention) to "win" the argument. I am sure there can be legit criticism and legit points to be made for or against the game, once it is out for more than a few individuals invested in creating a fake controversy for publicity are involved. However as we have learned from a certain feminist youtuber that shall remain nameless, one can be critical of a medium while enjoying said medium anyway. Even if it seems as "destructive" criticism, it just aims at people to possibly self reflect issues of representation not to cause frivolous boycotts and other nonsense.
  12. I'd be willing to throw a symbolic buck at them for keeping things ad free after Google has taken a turn for the worst with Chrome (possibly) And no please do not try to make "web sites can't survive without ads!" argument at me: by Capitalists standards, most websites that can't survive with tasteful add integration that doesn't ruins the experience simply shouldn't fucking exist whenever it's some random dude's skater pictures or the WSJ ads can fuck off.
  13. I honestly do not expect a price drop at all since Nvidia would rather just confuse consumers with a bunch of in-between tiers but even if we end up being wrong about that, it probably can't hurt to wait like a couple more weeks anyway: I'd wait just long enough to get official pricing and third party benchmarks to see if a new tier makes more sense but I still wouldn't regret a 2080 today: it is close enough to 1080ti to be ok for moderate 4k (read: anything 4k but the most intensive games probably not maxed 4k just decent one from the top settings) and it has enough support for RTX for when it actually matters (Again this means: once smaller, easier to run games implement it you'll have enough performance to take the hit on the latest battle royale game with full Ray Tracing enabled, for the time being it's probably not an acceptable compromise but it's barely present on any games to factor into buying decisions imho)
  14. Why would you report on this before you steal a bunch of personal nudes to show the world how celebrities are usually not anywhere nearly as good looking as even entry level sex workers?! But yeah it's not surprising that it is happening after what we've seen in recent years: I just hope it has a similarly strong effect on Apple as it did on Intel but not expecting that to be the case tbh unless there's another massive leak as I joked above.
  15. Aye. More important: we have any word on how they're doing the processing for this? Because the fact that Facebook, the company that has the most active devices worldwide, wants to back this up makes me think they're interested in just very silently put most phones and computers to "mine" for it, except not mining cause you won't get shit but they still need processing power available. Up until now I've been pretty tame in not getting rid of Facebook (Culturally it is very different here in *.mx since people is almost unheard of and socially it is kinda the base requirement: I had friends give a "WTF is wrong with you" to another teen dude that stated he didn't have a public Facebook and didn't want to share his account with non-family members) but if they want to use my processing power they better think again: that shit's mine and mine alone to waste on nonsense, not for sale.
  16. Less options for tax avoidance is still better than more options for it. Establishing a shadow office in Malta might work to avoid bulk of the taxes but it isn't cheap to constantly on the move.
  17. I'd like to say "About time" but consider the implications: main issue with putting the breaks on technology is actually not any kind of consumer or even corporate market. It's military tech that will escalate things quickly. If China hasn't gone for the kill so to speak with their control of minerals yet is because the response would be well, excessive yet expected: Americans are lead by deeply prejudiced people so if regular "neoliberals" with a conscience (Spoiler: not a thing) had no problems with wars to protect strategic interests then current administration would basically deploy immediately to go over a major invasion of Africa and all other places where key mineral operations happen. Now China might be strong economically and technologically, but they know they do not cover the entire glove with military bases like the US so provoking a direct or indirect military confrontation, specially outside of their mainland (When there's arguably far more resilience on their part) would be insane.
  18. Well besides the entire "Worst person you know just made a great point" deal, I'd love for chief orange glow to have a go at Verizon for still using anything Huawei: It'd be a fairly different thing to try to play hard-ass with a huge company with money and power on your own backyard instead.
  19. If you have to do it this is the best way to install, but if you can but another 2x4gb that's even better. But yes: check the motherboard manual to make sure you install the current pair on the same channel
  20. Ideally no: the "dual channel" part of DDR means that it needs sticks to be in pairs (hence, dual) to enable full performance. How important is RAM speeds? Varies a lot, we'd need to go into the rest of your rig stats and use cases but if you can help it at all, get another 2x4 instead: As long as you keep the second pair of sticks on their own channel it should be better (Not ideal, but better) than 2x4 + 1x8 This is talking DIMMS of course, I know SO-DIMMS are a whole different story since laptops are more limited in the available SO-DIMM slots and such but for a desktop pick DDR on pairs if you can help it.
  21. This is already pretty good I think so most of the comments are just tweaks but here we go: 1) If you want wait like less than a month at this point, the Ryzen 3600 looks to be a pretty significant bump up but that's just an aside: 2600 is already pretty good at gaming anything with the only exception being extremely high refresh rate low detail gaming (So if that's your thing then intel might be worth it and a good "in between" compromise might end up being the 3600 I mentioned) (EDIT: Also I specifically said "high refresh low detail gaming" because at your budget you probably won't be able to push most games, and specially not recent AAA games, at high detail and high refresh. That costs a lot more) 2) I would actually aim for a 570 instead. It's a pretty good deal and not really that far away from the 580. I say this not because there's anything wrong at all with the 580 but because you could potentially make room for, 3) 16 gb ram. I go about it this way: the best time to buy RAM is right now because it has been well established RAM manufacturers are price fixing assholes that exacerbate the normal market fluctuations and unforseeable events like floods, earthquakes, etc. That in the past have had an effect on prices. I know that 2) and 3) might seem to be opposite points but the difference is that while nobody can predict a new crypto driving demand for GPUs again those issues did respond almost entirely to market fluctuations whereas RAM companies have a history and even pending/current litigation for price fixing. More over RAM upgrades beyond capacity are really not anywhere near as impactful as GPU upgrades so chances are you will be upgrading your GPU every 2 to 3 years anyways (At that price range, higher end GPUs you can keep for a lot longer but in the case of mid range 2 to 3 years it's reasonable before it start showing age too much) Those are my overall thoughts but again, if you just wen with exactly what you picked already it would still be a damn effective system with lots and lots of fun ahead of it.
  22. Minimum wage is accompanied by standard 40 hours per week. Again I know you find it nonsensical but that's because there's very little in the way of establishing what should be the work ours per week. Most other places establish them as 40 and make businesses increase rate after 40 hours per week also increasing rates on night shift and on Sundays for example. Calculating minimum wage per hour leaves the door open for unfair amount of hours instead of also establishing the reasonable hours (40/week or 160/month) along with minimum wage. We even go beyond that and establish the bare minimum of benefits for that baseline which includes a mandated contribution to social services and retirement fund, winter holiday bonus, mandated profit share annually, mandated minimum vacation days (Which scale up with job seniority) and even mandated minimum paid maternity.
  23. Actually hour/annual rate are a distinctly American things most of the rest of the world divides rates between week and month rates for the most part since well, lots of services like rent, utilities, etc. You pay for monthly or bi-monthly.