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  1. I was watching live. No hot takes or leaks in my knowledge. I would like to imagine that someone tripped on a wire and accidentally fell on the "make-private" button.
  2. With all the praise about the forum, the last few days have shown me that it is not much better than Reddit, or Twitter, or comments on Youtube. Not really a surprise that a free-for-all forum on the internet is just that.
  3. Linus, I really like you and I undertand that LMG is your baby, but it is also a real company. Please let the CEO handle this, like you should have let him yesterday.
  4. The server shut down. Here's the update from its discord
  5. I remember there used to be volunteers who had large collection of game downloads and would be giving the local download files to people who had data caps. So one would visit these gentlemen, get the files on a flash drive, put it on their own Steam folders and let Steam recognize the files. Maybe see if the regions you visit has such a network.
  6. I believe demos have changed form to Open Betas, Free Weekends and in higher popularity as a Game Pass game. Also, the number of new games in the high visibility space has gone down. Market is filled sequels, so people already know what they are getting into. Game reporting is quite easily accessible now too. You can watch some of your trusted reviewers and get a general sense of what's what. ( Creator plug : ACG. His reviews aren't two minute long or filled with sponsored bullcrap, and writing is tasty ) Finally, the biggest reason might be that companies don't want to lose the potential game sale after the player has had a taste and moved to something else in the modern day barage of stuff fighting for our attention.
  7. I find free roam open world games quite comforting. Go around, fight some random NPCs, do those automatically generated missions. Over the years, I have had phases of games I would go to for relaxing and passive enjoyment. There were GTA SA Multiplayer, Just Cause 4, Minecraft. Currently it's Euro Truck Simulator 2.
  8. I had forgotten about it. I tried getting in, but at the very start the players weren't that many and I had horrible ping. Could be because of my time zone. Someone should text Jakkuh on Twitter and get some update
  9. Channel Idea: MemeLinked Something of the sort of Pewdiepie's old Meme Review/You Laugh You Loose series. Given that the LMG crew has good taste in memes (or that's what they seem like on the videos), a channel engaging with the latest memes would be a nice substitute to people who want to stay in the memeloop without having to scroll for hours. An experimental shorts channel could work too. To be clear, I don't mean just Tech memes or LMGverse memes, but memes in general
  10. What is the Fediverse? OR Explaining Mastodon/Lemmy/Peertube Decentralized social media seems to be a nice alternative to Reddit, Twitter and even Youtube. I have seen some videos explaining it. Having LMG explain it would be nicer and could help more people become aware of it. A Techquickie or even an LTT video exploring it would be cool.
  11. Decentralized social media seems to be a nice alternative to Reddit, Twitter and even Youtube. I have seen some videos explaining it. Having LMG explain it would be nicer and could help more people become aware of it. A Techquickie or even an LTT video exploring it would be cool.
  12. Completely agree. There are a lot of good and great games that will run on a given hardware, no matter what hardware it is. Even if it is 10 years old, the library that can be played on it will be more than one can manage. The pursuit to be on top of every new game release, to be part of the hot conversations, the FOMO which makes people to refresh their tech.
  13. This sounds like a good alternative as well. This way, the media gets to walk the same walk as the customers. They get their stuff when they get it, do their testing and release their analysis as per their schedule. Then again, it requires all/most media to agree to play fair with each other.
  14. Context: In today's WAN show, Linus speaks on yet another case in the ever growing issue of Corpos trying to control independent media. In the best case, they can silently choose not to send over a sample for Day 0 testing/review. In the worst case they can threaten alter the review to stay on the company's good side. This comes to light only when some exec is dumb enough to use the latter method. Smart ones can and are getting away. Problem: Not having a review up on the embargo lifting time hurts creators. Viewers wouldn't watch a review if it drops late. Just how YouTube works, the rush to bring out the review at the exact time, already empowers the companies to exercise control over who gets a review out. It is more powerful for smaller channels. They might not have the network to source a sample if the companies drop them from their not-naughty list. Playing wack-a-mole with the dumb execs will not stop the power to control the narrative, that companies have, as long as channels continue participating in the embargo rat race. Proposed Solution: Unionize. Well, in a way. Mutually agree to NOT release a video at the exact embargo time. Tech review space already is a tight knit community with respect for each other. When big outlets like LTT, MKBHD, D2D, AnandTech, etc collectively ignore the release time, they will alleviate the issue of dropping views if you arrive late. Viewers will watch reviews as they are released, not in a burst. you spread it out. This way, channels don't have to compete for the same attention pie; viewers watch content over a wide number of channels rather than watching a few then getting fatigued, companies lose the strings to independent media. Win-Win-Lose scenario. Roadblocks: - There are hundreds of channels and blogs, with new ones always popping up. Getting everyone to agree on one thing will be very difficult. - The first few ones to release will still have an advantage over others. To have this work effectively, there would need to be internal release schedules for all recognized outlets, which they will have to stick to. There would need to be a process which allows for a carousel like priority distribution. So if LTT is in the first batch for release for 3090, they will be in the last for the next big release. This is obviously a problem, so a fair method would need to devised where everyone at the table gets a say, and no one is left with a bitter(er) taste in their mouths than what they have with the current system. - Quite large effort/outcome ratio. Discuss: - Suggest a tweak or an overhaul to the proposed solution. - What is the least that the media outlets can do to combat this? - If this trend (of company control of narrative) keeps growing, where do you see the logical end point?
  15. When I'm trying to troubleshoot over a voice call, they would describe what they see on the screen in such an annoying way. They will mention what they can read, but not icons like the hamburger, or the cog, or the 3 dots. That would make me lead them to dead ends and getting confused myself. I feel like by now, I should be able to troubleshoot without resorting to screen sharing.