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Everything posted by elkenrod

  1. In all likelihood this is just a pricing mistake? What were the rest of the GPUs in the store priced at? Like the 1070?
  2. Icy Dock makes a plethora of units with different configs. I have a four-bay model that I keep 2 SSDs and 2 HDDs in. It's amazingly convenient. Each bay has power and activity LEDs and a lock/key mechanism.
  3. This is why I prefer Linux. As a layperson, I may not know the intricacies of how the exploit works, but I know how to make sure it doesn't.
  4. I concur with what everyone above has said. Go to a physical location. After you sit and find one you like, grab the floor model. There will be a push from them to sell you one in a box. Don't buy it.
  5. Just some clarification. MANY retailers require ID, or at least some personal information for returns. Especially CASH returns. The reason is simple.... Employee theft and Fraud. To address the original post however, there are as many inflated prices at Best Buy, as there are steals. It varies by product. If you want and HDMI cable... or the latest LG monitor, you probably will find that prices are higher at Best Buy than most places. But if you are looking at older product, open box, or any thing that's very large.... you can find EXCELLENT deals at Best Buy. The reason being is that shelf space costs money. The longer something is on the sales floor without selling, the more money the retailer loses. The idea is that it all evens out for them. The average Joe buys a 2015 model TV at a great discount, but then the sales person convinces them to buy an overpriced hdmi cable. And because they skipped lunch, they grab an overpriced candy bar. That's even before we start talking about the protection plan and credit card.
  6. vim tmux mps-youtube nethogs ghex irssi and whole bunch of other things that i just auto install when I install a new version of Linux.
  7. So I'd recommend getting a 49 key then. I have a 61 key and while I enjoy it, it's sometimes just a little to large for anything other than when I practice piano playing. If you get a new controller on Amazon from one of the better known brands, you usually will get a demo(s) for a DAW, such as Abelton lite. Personally, I try to buy used, like from Guitar Center. There are tons of people who buy new, don't like it/understand how to use it, and then sell it back. So there's great gear that's barely been touched. It's not typical, but in the example I used above, you're saving 45% on the price by buying used.
  8. You mentioned the keyboard you currently have is too large. How many keys is it?
  9. I'd try as many demos as you can. DAW preference is more subjective than people realize, especially if you're not doing it professionally.
  10. What I would recommend first, would be the cheapest solution. A screwless corner self. Find a small corner shelf that is the size of your monitor's base. Mount that on the corner of your wall above your desk. I think that will improve your setup greatly for almost nothing. Suspending your mic and speakers with "floaty shelves" might make your desk space seem better than it is currently.
  11. Can you put holes in you wall? Even if you are allowed to, mounting without drilling might be better, due to the flexibility. I haven't done this myself, but I looked into it a little bit. Also Will.... you need a new chair. Your poor back!
  12. "10 Gigabit"? I did the conversion calculation just to make sure....
  13. elkenrod

    I just made the mistake of turning my monitor i…

    Portrait mode leads to the Darkside........ at first it's awesome, but after a while...... pain
  14. I remember the days.... "512 MB is more than enough" "1GB of memory is enough" "4GB is fine for any system" "8GB is standard"
  15. I've accessed security camera files from HDDs connected to a pi. The pi was fine for accessing text files and low birate video. But I'm not confident recommending it for high quality video.
  16. Nobody is asking any of the important questions........ like how many Rads/Sec will they produce
  17. LOL... I'm sitting here looking at three Dell monitors and was seriously contemplating buying this right now. This might be the first mis-priced Black Friday deal, but it certainly wont be the last. Keep those mouse clicks swift everyone.
  18. I mess with Cinnamon Multi monitor support is solid now.
  19. What are you not liking about it? I haven't used Zorin since 9
  20. I will also add that full screen video cause a more pronounced difference in performance than just a small embedded video. It's not always necessarily the game that suffers, but the Youtube video more often. Go in knowing that.
  21. Hmm... For $299 it seems like a decent way to get 4k. I took a look at some of the reviews. A number of people were satisfied but those who were not reported pretty glaring issues. TVs go on sale for cheap for a reason, usually because there is a newer model in the product line. Though sometimes there is a minor defect(s). If you pick this up, you should post a review of it. @$300 it could interest me even if it isn't perfect. But if it's trash, I rather use that money to invest in a better product that's up to triple the cost.
  22. Any first year marketing student will tell you that any attempts to sell the note 7 at this point will just be a nightmare. Even if the device is perfect and deeply discounted many people will refuse to purchase it based on its reputation. Then you will have those who will intentionally try to get it to explode in order for a quick payday.
  23. Salesperson at the AT&T kiosk trying to persuade you to purchase an expensive phone with "better resolution"...... .....video is 480p by default. Salesperson then Doesn't bother to tell you how to disable it.
  24. I second this. I refuse to have program open that isn't full screen. I also don't get how people use so many tabs I'm their browser. I open a new window in a new monitor almost every time.