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Everything posted by KawaiiRaven

  1. Oneplus 5t. Screen is bigger than 5.5 but exactly the same wide. Just taller up and down. Has as everything else you mentioned and it’s a top performer. Plus I heard Oneplus has a big India market. Body isnt light but it’s durable and thin fastest quick charging of all phones has dual cameras has SD slot and 2 sims battery life is great, not as good as the 5 but still 6+ hours And, it’s only $499 (compared to $800-$1000 for flagships)
  2. I mean some do... A case is a case. Hell you can have it in a box as long as there's ventilation. Not everyone needs to have it look nice.
  3. I call it the iPhone 7s because the only change is that it's faster (S means speed btw) and it can "wireless" charge or for people too lazy to plug a cable in, takes longer to charge and you can't put it up and still have it charging. oh, it has a glass back but 99% of people will slap a case on it, basically making it impossible to tell if it's the 7 or 8. (again, another reason its 7s not 8) Camera is better but that's consistent with the S models.
  4. I mean if you use another cooler, then the only real purpose of the case is to keep dust out and air in/out. Cheap cases can do that. Expensive cases just look nice and have lights. Cheap cases have bad PSUs or Coolers but if you use your own then why not use a cheap case.
  5. Eh edge doesn't have extensions and the capability to block ads. (well at least when it came out) Hate me for blocking ads but they are SO ANNOYING when I'm trying to download anything and there's like 10 "Download" buttons and 9 of them are ads. Not to mention ads that get in your way or slow the webpage down. I unblock for sites I support and have a YouTube Red subscription so I don't get ads anyway on there. I wouldn't use edge. Just get good antivirus and have common sense.
  6. If it's very expensive and you don't need it immediately, it's better to mail yourself the expensive parts and bring the case. GPUs and CPUs are small and shouldn't cost much to mail
  7. Yes, with my experience of transporting my PC from California to Hawaii, it's all good in the USA. I can't speak for any other country's regulation or airline. I was on United. Some airlines have weight limits or additional policy (Like batteries for example). But a PC is perfectly legal to be transported on luggage in the United States. (Oh you might want to empty liquid from liquid coolers)
  8. https://www.jmmods.com/gpu-backplates
  9. It can from what i've heard but I don't think many games can run on the dell Inspiron at 144...unless it's CSGO or something
  10. The LG V30 is great. Fast, decent OS, and it doesn't have the curves of the fragile S8. It's also pretty durable so breaking it won't happen hopefully.
  11. In check baggage, computers don't have to be taken apart for additional scanning, that only applies to laptops that are carried on. You won't carry on your PC so it should be fine but I suggest taking out the expensive components and putting them in the original boxes if you still have them. PC cases aren't designed to be shipped and the parts aren't usually held on well enough for this type of transport. But the CPU should be okay, your GPU might be better off packed separately since its heavy and not held well, and probably expensive.
  12. I'm very happy with my Razer keyboard and Mouse. I thought it was expensive at first but I had them for 3 years now and all I did was replace keycaps. It's probably not the best value but they last a long time and the colors look awesome as well People just hate that they can't afford them so they get some chinese mech on amazon for $50 and say its just as good.
  13. BestBuy typically sells pre-built cheap generic PCs. Not ones for enthusiasts. Plus, I think it's just 5% off of what they profit from.
  14. Yeah get a PC and get a chromebook or cheap windows laptop (With decent reviews) for note taking and stuff like that
  15. Shroud from PUBG and formally CSGO
  16. Why do people hate Razer? They aren't exactly budget but they seem like good quality products and they have wide support in lots of games for their RGB features.
  17. I've done this in school and work. Apparently, there's no scientific backing at all and it's all for profit basically. One company licenses these made up "categories" for other companies to use but it's just categories. Life isn't so simple and humans aren't that simple. This just points out basic characteristics people may have and for some, its somewhat accurate, but most people find themselves in one but have some qualities that aren't in there or even opposite of what that one says. Some people aren't introverted or extroverted for example, but somewhere in between, some people are problem solvers in some areas but not in others. I really hate when my work tries to do this to pair you with other people who happen to get the same thing...because I realize that those people are different anyway and even harder to work with.
  18. Question for car peoples: Does putting on a massive spoiler (like 2 feet high) on a Civic make it go faster? looks ugly af and my co worker who owns it says it does and only “guys understand” oh and I guess having exhaust that sounds like someone is shitting their pants.
  19. My brand new iPhone was destroyed. I put it on my car because I was unlocking it and putting something inside of it. Then I went drove away and realized the music cut out (because Bluetooth range) and was looking around for it in the car. Then I realized that it fell off and yeah the screen was shattered. I got insurance (almost didn’t though) and got it replaced. but still I’m really stupid.
  20. There was a gaming cafe near where I live. They got got brand new GPUs and someone stole them. I suggest investing in a way to secure the PCs well and use high end antivirus.
  21. For loose parts I put them in a box of packing peanuts. I used a old pillow, cut it open and used the cotton stuffing to help with the tower. The screen I layed flat on a car seat and secured with a seatbelt.
  22. Depends on what you use them for. If if it’s just simple communications, logging, or anything like that then try look for older thinkpads or tough books. They are cheaper than the new toughbooks and the older thinkpads are very durable
  23. Also, I don’t get the thin and light trend. Why carry dongles (that are heavy and bulky) to shave half a pound and half an inch? Are laptops really that heavy in a backpack where they need to be that light? Something you carry around should be durable, even if it’s a little heavy. I get size, a 17 inch laptop won’t fit well on a coffee table or classroom desk but the trend towards thin and light seems like it has too much compromise. I can handle carrying 5 pounds.
  24. Idea #1 I think that portable GPUs should be worked on and thunderbolt 3 should be a standard. Enough of intergrated crapics already! Right now it’s either proprietary or more expensive than existing GPUs.