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Everything posted by Alariel

  1. Actually it works just fine on desktop as long as you have hit that little bell to actually get notifications. Doesn't really matter today though. Either he's changed his mind again about the 24 hours or someone on staff made an error.
  2. Wonder if Linus changed his mind again about leaving them up for 24 hours or if one of the minions just didn't get the memo.
  3. It gets better ("It" being whatever happens to bug you that day). Breathe. Never stop asking questions.
  4. Perfect thread to have that happen in.
  5. It's so terribly annoying. Most days I just hide the chat.
  6. What I truly despise is the amount of crap they come preinstalled with. Like seriously, if I wanted any of those apps I'd bloody install them myself.
  7. So basically every complaint on that list has already been addressed in various other places, and as for the suggestions... with the exception of completely destroying the rather popular Scrapyard wars... haven't they already done pretty much everything else at one point? So basically what I'm getting from this post is just another person trying to look smart by jumping on the "Let's whine about the way Linus does things but still keep watching" train... And btw. the people who yell the loudest aren't necessarily the majority.
  8. Luke is definitely one of my favorites, I get that he's busy with important stuff, but I miss his vids anyway. I'm hoping he'll still do stuff like SYW and if they bring back the tech showdowns. But I also wouldn't mind seeing more of James, Taran, Brandon, etc. just for the sake of variety. Linus is great and all, but different people have different styles when presenting stuff and some things might be better suited to somebody else's style. Generally I tend to think a video is better when whoever hosts it actually cares about whatever the content might be. And now I've gotten sidetracked to the point where I don't know where I am anymore... So yeah...
  9. Depends on what I'm doing with it and where.
  10. You guys have some seriously crazy fanboys out there. Can't even make a youtube comment about how it's nice seeing Luke again without being attacked by some crazy who thinks that means I hate everyone else. So that was fun. About the actual organization: Looks nice. And so far it seems to have stayed nice. So good job on that.
  11. The DT 770's are SO comfy. It's like having chinchillas strapped to me ears.

  12. Excellent! Sounds like they might be exactly what I've been looking for then.
  13. I'd particularly like to hear from people who use glasses. How comfortable are the Beyerdynamic DT 770's to wear? Can you wear them for several hours without discomfort?
  14. Youtube subscribers get to see them first and then Floatplane members can stroll through the archives at their own speed. Seems perfectly fair to me. And if I miss the occasional live stream on account of having a life and no paypal account then it's hardly the end of the world. Seriously. While I do enjoy the live streams a lot, it seems a little... I don't wanna say whiny... well, actually, I do kinda wanna say whiny... to complain about people who pay real money to support a project in development actually getting a tiny little something like this archive for their support.
  15. This is the most hilarious thing I've watched in a while. Thanks guys. I'm ill and really needed the laughs. But now I kinda wanna know how long it took to figure this thing out without a manual?
  16. Bloody hell those Steelseries guys are efficient. Much love on them.

  17. I have a handful of different machines that I use for different things, but not sure if any of them would count as backup exactly as they all serve a purpose. They could be, for the most part, if needed.
  18. I'm gonna cautiously prepare for the screams of agony option, but will wait and see what actually happens.
  19. I'm 9 hours ahead so by the time the LTT live stream finally launched (it was super late compared to usually) I had long given up and gone to bed, but I did manage by pure coincidence to catch the Techquickie stream this morning just as I was rolling out of bed. I'm actually fine with the video being removed now that I understand why. My main problem with the live streams is actually just that youtubes notification system is super slow, so unless I sit around hitting refresh I'll miss the first 2 minutes, maybe more. A semi-fixed time for the streams would help with that, like when they started, but in a company that busy sometimes things happen and streaming at the usual time might not always be possible. I figure some sweet day it will be possible for those of us who don't worship paypal to sub to Floatplane some more direct way, and when that day comes maybe I'll go back and watch the stuff I've missed.
  20. You're definitely not alone. While I do use steam and stuff, some things (the important stuff) I prefer to have a physical copy. Sometimes that might mean that I buy something twice, if I got the digital copy first, but I'm fine with that.
  21. Nah. That looks more like a subtle "dry your eyes and eat a biscuit".
  22. I know, just felt very early today, but that might just be me not usually paying that close attention to the time.