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Everything posted by Clockwork_princess

  1. Guys spends money to mine bitcoin when everyone knows you need an ASIC machine to mine and make profit (more like 900 ASIC machines) and losing his money because you can’t profit with gpu mining bitcoin
  2. But have you had any real issues becase of it? Have people got into your account becase of it? I feel like disabling all notifications for it is just counterproductive. Just because you don’t like the lock screen one doesn’t mean you should make it harder by having to boot up an already slow app, The only issue I see isn’t if a person steals your phone. But by the time you know it’s gone I hope you call and deactivate it before the person can realize they can ask for your steam code to log in. But then they would need to know your steam password for the code to even be sent.
  3. Well In every situation I’ve used steam with I’ve been at my computer with no one around when I log into steam. I really don’t see how it’s an issue even if your in a busy place. Just type the code and your good. If people are looking over your shoulder or close enough to read a code on your lock screen that’s another issue. But a work around is to go into your device settings and disable lock screen notifications for the steam app. Ps sorry for typos, still getting used to this IOS keyboard. I’ll try to fix them all
  4. Well the code only lasts for a how ever many seconds and then it’s changes to a new code. So it’s not like if someone sees and writes it’s down that they can do anything with it. It’s like 30 sec or maybe even less then the code expires ita just like company’s who use SMS to send codes like that, it just pops up as a notification and everyone can see it. Atleast In 90% if the ones I’ve had. I never go in the text to get the code I just read it from the notification and type it in before the notification goes away. I don’t see how valve is different. I think they are pretty good at what they do.
  5. how many sticks do you have, if its running dual channel each ram will run at half, so dual channel 1600mhz will run 2 sticks at 800mgz equalling 1600mhz. but the BIOS is usually right. task manager and third party software is not always reliable for accurate readings
  6. they have their own ideas just like we have ours, and they do what they want not what we want. it is their game after all.
  7. or you know limit the FPS so it cant drop lol
  8. yeah possibly need to reapply the thermal paste or reseat the cooler if its true that its 71c at 15% usage
  9. its turbo is 3.7 and you can only get it to 3.85? did you touch the voltage? oh its only 3.0 base, yuck
  10. whatever is cheaper i've had both, both and experienced the same,. i've had 1 WD fail and 1 seagate fail, and i've had ones that im still using 4 years later of each brand.
  11. i think an extra 10 is worth it for real MX switches
  12. im pretty sure it should still post even if the BIOS is out of date as long as the CPU is supported. if its not supported at all i dont think it does
  13. if its new it should have the manufacturer's warranty
  14. i just love answering questions how they are asked lol gotta be specific
  15. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813132925&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Motherboards+-+Intel-_-N82E16813132925&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4eXPBRCtARIsADvOjY0U3IJ0ns6OGNajtJHYTrxslkS5MCNr9G8XFyaJXJH_mX6jaAgcx18aAniiEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds