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About oali24

  • Birthday Mar 20, 2004

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Amman, Jordan ->Kelowna, Canada -> Brisbane, Australia
  • Interests
    Arab Politics
  • Biography
    I am a jordanian with a taste for weird as shit anime, manga and videogames,
    mod chipped a blu ray player
    obsessively follow news to the point I have become immune to bad news burnout
    Can't talk politics in this forum which I would otherwise
  • Occupation
    university student


  • CPU
    AMD Ryzen 5 3600xt
  • Motherboard
    ASRock B450 Gaming K4
  • RAM
    hyper x fury 16GB
  • GPU
    xfx rx 5700xt 8GB vram
  • Case
    Huntkey GS400L
  • Storage
    2 240 GB kingston ssd (raid 0)
    2 TB Western digital blue hdd
  • PSU
    evga 650 watt
  • Display(s)
    IBM c190 CRT display 1600x1200@75 hz
    Samsung CFG 73 LCD 1920x1080@144hz
  • Keyboard
    unicomp model m ssk (arabic)
  • Mouse
    kensington trackball orbit
  • Sound
    Logitech z313 2.1 channel speakers
    Logitech H110 headphones
    sony wh-xb900n noise cancelling over ear headphones
  • Operating System
    Xubuntu 20.04
  • Laptop
    Fujitsu Lifebook u727
  • Phone
    Samsung a51 8gb ram

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  1. Maybe some of the video game journalists are actually you know, passionate about their job? Maybe not all people are obsessed with trying to "maximize profits" when they are actually passionate. I don't know, I have never gotten the impression that video game journalists don't really care about their job, I think they might be biased towards writing in a way that is too soft on AAA game publishers, but I don't think that they were really trying to be some other kind of journalist before they became video game journalists.
  2. But that's driving a manual car not playing a video game, if I complete a game on easy mode I have still completed it, maybe I missed out on some aspect of the game but I still experienced a very large part of it, when I ask someone if x game was good I do not expect of them to have done every single thing that can possibly be done in the game and I doubt you do either, an analysis gained from completing a game on easy mode is just as valid as one from completing on hard mode unless the analysis specifically requires it to be done on one mode (e.g. a guide to beating a boss on the hard mode, which he did not write as far as I can tell).
  3. Except he was definitely competent enough. I actually found the review and it says he completed the game in the end, and even if he had say, completed the entire thing on easy mode I would say that completing the full game on any difficulty mode the developer allows to be used without hacking/cheats is more than enough to count as competent. https://venturebeat.com/business/doom-eternal-impressions-one-of-the-best-shooters-eva/
  4. Have you maybe considered that the quality of articles is bad because they are not paid enough to write good, thoughtful articles? If you are paid by the number of articles and work say 8 hours a day wouldn't you write more low quality articles to get paid more if the rate per article is low to begin with, maybe if the rate was higher they would not feel as pressured to push articles out quickly. Really? can you show me one old article that feels like it was written better back then so I can compare it to today, I wasn't around during that time so I actually want to see what the difference was.
  5. Why should he need to be good at literally one game for him to be good at his job, I don't know what he has written but I assume his job title was not "cup-head analysis specialist".
  6. Reddit can go piss off, I am going to delete my account because of reading this article, https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/13/23759761/reddit-disability-accessibility-blackout-api-blind, seriously the official app does not have screen reading? This is completely unacceptable for a large company like reddit, maybe in 2005 this could be understandable but today this is beyond unacceptable I do not have blindness and I never use the reddit app or really even use reddit on mobile so I never even knew but after the blackout is over I am deleting my account and I recomend you do too.

    1. rrats


      I am not going to delete it, however, it's not like I barely use it.


      I never liked the website and it's community

    2. oali24


      On 6/14/2023 at 10:01 PM, rrats said:

      I am not going to delete it, however, it's not like I barely use it.


      I never liked the website and it's community

      fair enough, I have already requested my data, once I download I am going to then delete my account because it apparently takes 30 days unfortunately.

  7. Interesting, I get that internet in australia is pretty poor outside the major cities but what is wrong with the digital streaming services? Poor selection or bad software?
  8. Hey so I guys I just came back from visiting Australia and NZ for the first time (Brisbane and Auckland) and I noticed something odd compared to Canada where I was studying as international student that physical media (CD's, DVD's, Blu-ray's) seem to be more popular there compared to Canada, in Canada I was in BC so my options for big tech stores were London Drugs and Best buy and only London drugs had what I would call a decently sized selection, but in NZ I went to the JB hifi in auckland CBD and the selection was larger than the stores in Canada and in Brisbane when I went to two JB hifis in the inner city the selection was huge, they had everything, movies, anime, cartoons, tv shows and it took quite a lot of space in the shop. So I get the impression as if Australians and new zealanders still seem to buy discs more often, have any Australian/New Zealander users on this forum had a similar experience? Thanks,
  9. I honestly have no clue what point you could possibly be trying to make here, the problem is not if AI can find the reference number its that a malicous actor can find the reference number and then use AI to fool the authentication system and then access sensitive information. Just because the result is the same does not effect whether something should be allowed, if I am on a plane I can't bring a box cutter with me because it is more dangerous than a pen even if you can kill someone with a pen if you wanted. Anyway, I am not even saying if something should be banned or not my point is that something is going to need to be done to counter the threat that malicous AI use poses, you keep insisting that this threat is not new and the results are something you can get other ways but it is clear that the threat is new and at the very least makes it easier to do which is a serious new problem.
  10. You keep insisting that I am coming to the wrong conclusion without evidence, then you make a conclusion without any evidence that a professional iimpressionist would also fool the system like AI your telling me that I am the one making incorrect assumptions when you are assuming something with literally zero evidence, this is a biometric system which is meant to authenticate your voice in a way that is unique to you yourself. Again this is why people don't bother to give you sources because you just use them to come to the same conclusion anyway. Are you kidding me the point of the system is to stop people who have gotten as far as having the reference number, its meant to be two factor authentication, the next sentence after the sentence you mention is
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/mar/16/voice-system-used-to-verify-identity-by-centrelink-can-be-fooled-by-ai This system was fooled by AI even though it was specifically designed to be able to detect human impersonators, AI is doing something different, and again I don't know what to tell you because I am now convinced that if this still is not enough at this point for some reason you either don't want or just cannnot see the difference. This is complete nonsense, if I made a bomb with components that are legal to access and blew it up I could get charged with say, terrorism, but if I made a bomb using components that are illegal to posess and then blew it up I would then be charged with terrorism and illegally possesing those components, even if they both have the same function and effect the way I get there absolutely should have an effect on how I get charged and what sentence I face.
  12. If you seriously think a knife is generally as dangerous as an Assault rifle or that AI voices recieve the same exact result as someone impersonating someone's voice I don't know what to tell you, honestly I have had enough of this, every time someone here brings up a way that AI or literally any technology ever has any harmful effects you go ridiculous lengths to defend whatever it and insist that people are just out to get the people using the technology, and when anyone tries to explain things to you when you ask completely refuse to consider it and just ask for more scenarios to be clarified until whoever is trying to explain things to you has enough and leaves.
  13. I don't think people are saying that AI should be outlawed, but its going way too far to use AI in this way, but if LAwLz seriously thinks that training ai on peoples voices without there consent is equivalent to an actual human listening to someone's voice and trying to impersonate it then I don't what to say to them, these AI's can be used maliciously and I have had enough of people saying they will not be used when they obviously will. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/mar/16/voice-system-used-to-verify-identity-by-centrelink-can-be-fooled-by-ai Yes, the "even if its illegal people will do it anyway" argument, just because people will do it anyway does not mean that we should not take measures to prevent it if we wanted to, some people just will not wear a seatbelt no matter what, that doesn't mean we should make it not illegal. Again I'm not saying what we should but this argument keeps coming up that AI being banned is pointless because people will find a way to use them.
  14. We have laws saying you can't own certain kinds of weapons specifically because they are more dangerous, they are banned because they are worse and more likely to kill people, this point just does not make sense.
  15. I don't know about that, you can think that your not being influenced but that's what the companies selling the product want you to think. If you consume media then how can you be completely sure?