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Oh my fucking God. My GFs mother is so fucking stupid I just can't handle it anymore. 


2 days ago she asked what she could give us for Christmas (early bird, right). My GF responded she wanted tickets for us for some show. 

I already have said tickets for my GF so I pm her mother saying that I already got them and she should look for something else instead. 

Then today her mother calls her saying she can't get the tickets BECAUSE I ALREADY HAVE THEM FOR HER.


What the actual fuck? How can you fuck up so badly? Come on ... 


Merry Christmas to ya'll! 



  1. imreloadin


    Wow, she's either a complete idiot or a colossal bitch...take your pick lol.

  2. manikyath


    sounds like the social competence of my dad.

  3. ZeouLs


    You gotta be next level dumb to do something like that smh.

  4. Nicnac


    you should have just told her I thought you got the tickets already at that point to create the ultimate confusion.

  5. FloRolf


    @imreloadin sometimes both but mainly just an idiot.


    I've spent a 2 week vacation with her this year and my face should be flat as a pancake by now with all the Facepalms I had to give myself. 


    I mean, she's generally not a mean person but she just has no aspect to reality or anything. 
