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Everything posted by Gamerguy207

  1. i found this "Xsolla is a video games industry company, providing game developers and publishers with payment, billing, distribution, and marketing tools. Xsolla is headquartered in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, California."
  2. i have a 1050 ti and im going to wait so i think your good unless you play high demanding games
  3. you'll be waiting maybe a year its your call do you need a new card or can you wait
  4. No it doesn't need one
  5. $400? Jk looks great were did you get the wood?
  6. Damn I'll pay you 170$ to build me one holy smokes that's cool cable management could use some work tho
  7. Reinstall csgo since it's a game saved to the steam cloud you won't lose any data
  8. It's just to give strictly amd users a upgrade, performance is lacking but the limited edition white vega cards look cool
  9. Haha ghost you can't be serious
  10. The resolution is rendered higher but it's still upscale looks fine to me tho
  11. I would go for 8Gb because one you only have 100$ two the games you play must not be the demanding and lastly no matter what you still get a upgrade. i would go for getting a new pair of 8Gb sticks because of compatibility issues when using different ram sticks together unless you buy the same 4gb stick you already have so you have two of them to make 8Gb unless you wanna stretch for 16gb if your going to play more demanding games
  12. Unplug the power supply then push the on button on your pc for 5secs should clear the caps and work again
  13. Tap with AK when your farther away and spray with it when you close to someone but make sure to aim Down a bit because the spray goes upward. When about to cross a area with a lot of snipers you can throw a decoy grenade and they'll think it's a flash. Also on smg's aim downward a bit except for the p90. AND NEVER EVER USE A AUTO!!!!
  14. Then don't use Aida 64. JK look and your temp when you do it and see what gets super hot or it might be your pulling to much power
  15. Yes sorry I'm one of those people that need to say something and if there wrong they get mad but I guess everyone's got a little of that in them
  16. I would pick the Helios or dell and maybe the XPS if I needed a thin and light
  17. Thurnder bolt has it limits so you'll be seeing less frames then if it was in a desktop but if something like that works for you the go for it
  18. There is no 1060 ti but your new build compared to your laptop in a big improvement and games would run better it would be smarter to stretch and get a 6gb card but anything is a upgrade from the laptop