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Everything posted by anzonix

  1. This shenanigans is taking a whole new level. Is LTT the new NVIDIA? Perhaps they should adopt the Googles lost 'don't be evil' mantra.
  2. Amen brother! As Rossmann said. The whole GN piece is informative and (the whole ordeal is) unfortunate. Edited for context
  3. I'm eager to help. My CPU has started but GPU is waiting on "Download" too
  4. Canada your team played well, but boy am I happy now. Torilla tavataan!
  5. He seemed like an essential part of the team. What happened?
  6. https://vancouver.craigslist.ca/van/cto/6120572986.html Saw this on reddit. Shoul we push him into buying it and going on a LTX tour with it? ?
  7. Just overclock what you have and think again next year.
  8. Id be interested to see Linust battle this creation. Source
  9. There really should be an age limit next time. The kid on the meet up giveaway video was really annoying.
  10. My Phenom II X4 955 Black edition is pretty old, must be almost 5 years.
  11. anzonix


    Welcome. Harrynowl answere well to your questions. And the forum is really easy to use, even on mobile, so get familiar and dwell in. Shouldnt be hard.
  12. Would adding a little antifreeze (same thing used as engine coolant) work?
  13. While you are at it clean any consoles you might have.
  14. So... You're in your mums car? Broom broom?
  15. In Finland internet speeds are just a number. Were so lucky. Next step is 4G in more places, but the 3G (and HSDPA+) do the trick just as well in most areas. That was a test I just did. This is my record
  16. Volvo S60 2.4l automatic 2005 And some new MAK rims I got this summer.
  17. I'd love to win the Surface Pro 3. I found Linus tech tips by mistake while searching for some unboxing video a while back. I instantly subscribed because of how 'real' the content was.
  18. Is that smokes? 'Cigarette' seems like a too obvious brand name so I'm not sure what that is. This is from the ultimate studio tour edit: its candy, topic over, how do I delte this post?