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Everything posted by sirtoby

  1. Wait, so your friend is just doing the dj thing at home? I thought we're after a laptop here?
  2. That is the case. You need two soundcards so you have two independent outputs for prelistening/-mixing. Apart from that, I don't really see a reason to buy anything expensive.
  3. Unless you previously had the games on an SSD, you wont notice much difference.
  4. From what I've seen with the current eGPU solutions through thunderbolt, it seems like drivers are barely an issue at all. The thunderbolt controller will require a driver, but with that installed, the laptop should view the gpu like it was connected through a PCIe 3.0 4x link. Thunderbolt is basically just an extension of the PCIe bus, so with the thunderbolt (and gpu of course) drivers installed, the card should work as if it were installed in a pcie slot.
  5. If that's the case then you might want to take look at HP's ZBook 15 Laptops. You can get a config (at least in Germany) with a i7-6700HQ and Intel HD graphics. It has two TB3 ports, and HP offers a pretty interesting docking station which uses one of the two ports. The laptop is at least 2000€ though...
  6. So large battery it is. I personally would order the two smaller ones, as you get almost double the capacity for less money. In you case, I would order the 7800mAh one first though, as it ships from Belgium. If it sucks you can return it and try the ebay stuff.
  7. This seems to be a model that is more tailored towards your specific laptop, so I assume that it comes closer to your dying battery than that ebay battery. The reason the ebay models are cheaper, is because they can use lower capacity cells which are a lot cheaper. My initial assumption that the cells weren't available was wrong. Now If you're using your laptop in portable scenarios (Uni/school, carrying it around a lot), then I'd buy two 4400 mAh ebay batteries and put the spare one in my backpack. You have to remember that the larger capacity models will raise the back of your laptop, so if you're using it outside, your screen might not be adjustable that far. The bigger batteries are also heavy. If your laptop is more used for stationary tasks (moving it only occasionally) go for the 7800 mAh battery. The battery controller is a good thought, but I wouldn't bother too much with that. Most manufacturers use an off the shelf controllers which work fine in Linux and should also in Windows. Battery controllers are usually a problem when the manufacturer decides to only allow original batteries.
  8. I've had good experiences with an ebay shop called Trade-Shop. I've ordered a Thinkpad battery from them. Shipping was quick and the cells were by Panasonic. They ship to Belgium (for about 9€). http://stores.ebay.de/Trade-Shop/_i.html?_nkw=AA-PB9NC6W The fact that you can't get the original capacity any more, might be because the battery cells aren't produced in that capacity any more. That shop I linked also sells a battery that protrudes from the laptop with 6600mAh.
  9. OP, This is going to be a bit difficult. The easiest step would be to find a friend who has a Mac (Any will do, should be 2006 or later though) and create the install USB on there. If you are unable to find another Mac to use, I would advise you to reinstall OSX and create the USB installer with BootCamp. This will be A LOT easier than figuring out the correct partition for the drive and to source the bootcamp drivers. I've never had to reinstall OSX onto an older Macbook, but I've done a few newer ones. If you're lucky, then the recovery partition is still intact. You also might be able to use the internet recovery. Everything you need is described here: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204904
  10. Nope, its running natively. Like when you install Windows on your computer. Windows isn't very picky on what hardware it runs. There are a few drivers necessary to make the function keys on the keyboard and the backlight work properly, but that's it. Macs don't have any magic hardware in them to stop you installing other OSs. The reason OSX only runs on Macs, is due to the fact that OSX only supports Mac hardware.
  11. Sorry, that I wasn't clear enough: A Macbook can run Windows natively, like any PC, no VM necessary. The problem here is that OP is trying to install Windows on to a Mac without having OSX installed. Installing Windows on a Mac requires drivers, as well as a specially formatted USB drive. You could do all of this manually but it's a huge pain in the arse. Bootcamp takes care of creating that USB drive for you.
  12. You're partially right here. Installing Windows on a Mac with a clean harddrive is difficult. Installing it with Bootcamp however, will allow you to create a USB drive which will allow you to install Windows natively. You can't just dd the Windows iso onto the drive and expect it to work
  13. Let's hope they fucked up the implementation of the encryption algorithm again
  14. If you're getting started with Linux I would recommend something Ubuntu based. Ubuntu has a huge user base and you can find guides and help for basically anything. It's available with several different desktop environments depending on how you want your OS to look. I'd recommend Ubuntu Gnome or Kubuntu. Both are available as ISOs. I'd stay away from Ubuntus default desktop environment Unity, as they have some Amazon tracking included that has to be turned off manually. Mint is another interesting distribution which is based on Ubuntu, I wouldn't recommend it though, as its update policy isn't very beginner friendly. An Arch based distro is something that I would avoid if you've got no experience with Linux. Arch is great, as you can build your own System to exactly fit your needs, but it requires some knowledge about Linux.
  15. I think op wanted to link to the CX 450M which is indeed grey
  16. Hey, that DM article isn't half bad for their standard. I mean ok, all they did was making a transcript of the video, but at least they haven't screwed that up.
  17. It looks stunning and is very impressive engineering wise, but who is supposed to buy these? People who sit in Starbucks all day? They'll buy a Macbook. If HP is trying to make a fashion accessory, then they can't put their badge on it.
  18. Thing is that script kiddies usually just DDOS. This is was a bit more advanced
  19. I don't really care if it is them or not. Whoever released the data has never heard of ethics. If you're able to hack, show some fucking responsibility.
  20. I was aware of Lulzsec. God I hate them. They're ruining innocent people's lives. Identity theft is going to be rampant in the next few year over there.
  21. What the fuck? It's one thing to expose terrible security infrastructure, but it's just irresponsible to release all of that data.
  22. A good place to start is Techmoan. That guy has a whole youtube channel full of reviews of those things. From what I can make out, you might want to take a look at the polaroid cube, but invest some time and do your research. https://www.youtube.com/user/Techmoan
  23. Putty can do this with the -m option, which executes commands from a txt file. Here is an example: SCRIPT: @ echo off //PART 1 SET /P url=[Please enter the twitch.tv username or a shortcut 1:TotalBiscuit 2:ESLCSGO] SET /P quality=[Please enter the quality] if %url% == 1 GOTO TB if %url% == 2 GOTO ESL else ( // PART 2 echo livestreamer twitch.tv/%url% %quality% -np "omxplayer -o hdmi" > C:\Users\Tobias\Twitch\commands.txt GOTO END ) :TB echo livestreamer twitch.tv/totalbiscuit %quality% -np "omxplayer -o hdmi" > C:\Users\Tobias\Twitch\commands.txt GOTO END :ESL echo livestreamer twitch.tv/esl_csgo %quality% -np "omxplayer -o hdmi" > C:\Users\Tobias\Twitch\commands.txt GOTO END //PART 3 :END cd C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY putty.exe -ssh pi@ -pw 123456 -m C:\Users\Tobias\Twitch\commands.txt exit EXAMPLE FILE GENERATED BY SCRIPT: livestreamer twitch.tv/esl_csgo best -np "omxplayer -o hdmi" I wrote this script to play twitch streams on a raspberry pi in the LAN. I'm aware that it isn't 100% syntactically correct. Here's how it works: PART 1 is the text interface, this might be useful, so your teachers have to just execute 1 script and then choose what they want to do. PART 2 is where it gets interesting. Here we generate the commands in the text file, depending on what option was selected in Part 1. The existing commands in the text file get overwritten. The commands file should be a location, where it doesn't get deleted by accident. PART 3 is the important bit. We run Putty and tell it to execute the commands in the file on the Pi. WARNING: If you use the -pw option to login without the password, it will be visible by opening the batch script in editor! Hope this helps
  24. did they already mention what GPU the higher end models will get? 940MX?
  25. An official reseller said in their newsletter that they'll have more models available in early April.