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Everything posted by suicidalfranco

  1. Add in the pen and apple is also at the 430 mark... only 20 buck difference from MS...
  2. I would act outraged by this but it's been half a decade since i last booted into my Windows partition... and the next rig im planning wont have a windows partition anyway. So yeah, don't care and a none issue. Dont like it, move away. Wanna keep consuming your gateway drug? stop complaining. Every "ermagod micorshit bad" article is becoming tiresome at this point. Microsoft wants to squeeze every penny they can squeeze out of you, deal with it and move on.
  3. Jumping off the PlayStation band wagon after the PS3 was a damn good decision. The less i have to deal with Soyny the better i am.
  4. Things I don't have to worry about cause roku doesn't operate in italy, but also cause a PC is better than any "smart" media box/dongle/TV.
  5. Heard the same story from bioware, cdpr, Bethesda etc... name a big franchise and next to it there will be a publisher ready to run it through the mud for a quick cash grab. Rocester isn't immune from it, in fact they demonstrated more than enough through both gta 5 and rdr2 that they don't care and it's just a bean counter gig for them at this point. But hey you do you, run that hype train over a cliff and see where it lands, I sure as he'll won't hope into it. AAA is badge that simply mean the game is garbage, been that way for 2 decades now, ain't changing for the foreseeable future.
  6. People still have hopes in AAA games? It's going to be an empty soulless shell. A direct copy paste of 5, with a different coat of paint. It'll will be heavily dependent on shark cards. And the story will be borked to no end cause they have to focus on MP cause shark cards. Getting hyped for AAA games stopped making sense after the release of OG Assassin's Creed
  7. Perfectly reflects majority of how people build their rigs now days
  8. good china doesnt let any foreign company operate in their border without having a party member check everything they do, why should any other country leave chinese company act freely? good on the US, hopefully the same happens for every other chinese based corporation in more places around the world
  9. I'm Not the target audience, would most likely not game than throw away the equivalent of a pint, but for people on a pinch I can see the use case
  10. One week in with the S24U. Beside my current beef with samsung shop (1 item missing in my order), and the annoyance of having to go to the store and buy another brick cause the phone didn't come with one. So far I'm pretty happy with it. Still going through setting it up as i want it to be. Wondering why the hete on samsung software suite, i find them to be actually better than Google's offering. Specially Wallet and Notes. The S-Pen is as good as i remembered it to be on the Note 2 and the new features it enables are very welcomed, using it as a camera shutter remote is an amazing idea. Having such a chunky phone (its really thick) and no headphone jack... logic meet window i guess. What else... nothing else comes to mind for now
  11. No way, other people downloading it neans it will be download on his phone automatically
  12. So of this thread just the inevitable bickering between a physicist and an engineer? Cause if so the only person missing is a mathematician and we can get a full circle
  13. All I want is a TV that can't decode airwave transmissions. And finally stop paying the dumbest tax ever made
  14. My workplace just announced that they've signed a deal with Samsung. To stay on topic, it would make the S24U 230€ cheaper... I'm... Perplexed...
  15. mmmmmhhhhhhhhhh tempted of making the ultra my next decade old phone It's been 12 years the last time i used a note, a trying the 23U in the store yesterday reminded me how amazing the spen was. Specially now that it even has a coloring book app xD
  16. Simple solution: if it can't go open source then it's barred as an option, someone who conforms will be picked in it's place Good! The more roadblocks on governments spending the better
  17. Was planning to build my next pc in it, but I saw a YouTube video using this case and both the price and the even smaller size made me bite the bullet https://a.aliexpress.com/_EusPJSH
  18. How can you vet a, most likely, closed source software? Hence why everything bought with public money should be open for everyone to see