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Everything posted by beanhubbleday

  1. I'm in, gutted that I didn't see earlier on that LTT had a team as I've been working for Spiceworks, now on LTT.
  2. +1 For UPS'! RAID shouldn't be your only fallback plan, backups are still essential, also enable shadow copys and snapshots yeah.
  3. I can'y say I've ever seen any brand of switch witha power button, why would you ever wanna turn it off? I guess the manufacturers think that too, maybe..?
  4. https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjMoKWE9Z7mAhUBsO0KHcgGCxYYABABGgJkZw&sig=AOD64_1xzfbAuyxYRVhdQ7E7gWGvx1C2wA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjtx5yE9Z7mAhXWMMAKHUYWB2sQ9aACegQIDRA0&adurl= ??
  5. Plugged form LAN on Primary router into WAN on secondary router?
  6. I'd choose the LG as it's bigger and I prefer LG over Dell... Tech specs look the same...
  7. Ayy glad to see it's working for you. yep I it
  8. Enterprise is great and worth it if you're using it that much. All you need really is a machine to deploy from. I use a VM but my machine could do it. We schedule deploys and stuff like that
  9. When you say it doesn't log in, what do ou mean precisely? Stuck on login screen? Black screen white circle?
  10. Unless you can log into the server that runs DHCP and change the address it dishes out for DNS then no, no their isn't. Besides, don't f&*k with something someone's worked hard to set up and is there for a reason, to stop you doing stuff you shouldn't and to keep you and the network safe...
  11. Try removing the private port from the port forwarding? Also can you connect to the server with IP
  12. - Buy a house for me and pay off my families mortgages and "do up" their houses for them. - Buy a new car for me and my family who want one (and a track car for me lol). - Become a full time streamer. - Buy anything I've ever wanted but I only have 2 days to do it (i.e. a drone, new phone etc..) - Invest the rest.
  13. It'll be good for maybe 3 years and beyond just depends on how you use it and assuming it has an SSD...
  14. You might not see ther performance increase depedning on your use case? The RAM kinda feels like a "sure why not" but for 130 Euros all in it seems like a no brainer to upgrade the RAM and CPU, at least it'll be kinda more future proof.