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About FabulousOtter

  • Birthday Mar 11, 1993

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    Sheffield, England
  • Occupation
    3D Game Artist
  1. I've been using Vivaldi for quite some time now, probably close to a year and I love it. Tab stacking is awesome for managing huge numbers of open pages
  2. That has nothing to do with the graphics card, just the pile of broken mess that was Unity
  3. They might have the manpower but that takes all development from making an actual game which you can't start to make until you have an engine to work with. You need an engine before you can start development so taking man hours from all studios would postpone the release of a new game for ~5 years minimum which is something Activision shareholders and the the game's fans would rather didn't happen. As for your second point, no the engine isn't broken in the slightest. The more recent iterations in the COD franchise have actually looked really good; at this point it's just mindless hate because "hurr duur call of duuty d0sent look photoreeal leyk avater. gotsta be bad engin gotta be tek 3 bruh" No. No it isn't the Tech 3 engine you moron. I'd like to bring your attention to the change list for each revision: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IW_engine#Games
  4. It isn't a money thing. It's the sheer amount of time it takes to create a new engine alongside the saying 'If it isn't broken, don't fix it'. What benefit would you gain from making an entirely new engine, the new in-house tools you'd need and all the while adapting to the new workflows that would accompany all of the above for artists, programmers and game designers. For reference, Epic Games has an entire department dedicated to the development of it's engine. According to an article written in 2005[1], UE4 had already been in development for two years prior. UE4 had it's release build (build 8967) in May 2012 Thats NINE years. Tell me more about how 'lazy ' they are for not creating a new engine every 3 years... Also you seem to drastically underestimate the size of Epic Games; they have a LOT of people working on their engine. Not only do they have an in-house team but hundreds of community developers also contribute towards the development of the engine. [1] https://web.archive.org/web/20140110101539/http://www.computerandvideogames.com/123639/rein-weve-been-working-on-unreal-engine-4-for-two-years/
  5. Either take it or are completely oblivious. We're only a miniscule percentage of the internet's user base; the overwhelming majority have no idea what 'internet privacy' means. They can't get information from everyday news outlets because most are owned by huge corporations and politicians who profit from collecting and selling personal data and have no urge to go out of their way to research what's happening because it doesn't impact their everyday lives in any way. It's going to take something absolutely MASSIVE to get people to start caring and protesting about the increased collection of data which will never happen. Even the whole Ashley Maddison leak isn't going to scratch the surface and that involved hundreds of thousands of people.
  6. Although I agree with you that yes, just because some person does something it doesn't make it right or ethical for others to follow along with them, the whole child slave labour and sweatshop analogy is kind of an extreme comparison with what Microsoft is doing. Spying and data collection is inevitable and we will never be in a world where we as everyday people aren't farmed for our online browsing habits, interests and whatnot so that advertising agencies can try to sell us things we don't really want or need. It's an irreversible turn that the internet has taken and the only way to stay truly 'private' is to go live in a cave for the rest of your life deep in an inhospitable jungle. Im not at all condoning any form of personal data collection at all, but there's literally nothing we can do about it other than to just stop using the internet.
  7. @Sintezza Hurrdurr, MS knows my deets. Meanwhile the NSA and other surveillance organisations around the world have a file the length of Artamène ou le Grand Cyrus on you with every email, phone call, text message, website visit and search query you've made within the last 10 years. Please tell me more about how Windows 10 is invading your so called 'privacy'.
  8. Sounds more like your motherboard playing up rather than the OS
  9. So having the OS apply updates (mainly security/stability) is in itself a security issue and leaving holes open to abuse is safer? The enterprise edition doesn't come with it because it's the enterprise edition. The logistics of updating potentially thousands of workstations and ensuring that all software is functional afterwards would be a nightmare. Giving corporations the choice of when to update is a good thing - why do you think military and governments all over the world still use XP... Your second point came from an anonymous post on 8chan. No substance or evidence whatsoever.
  10. In no* application will you ever have quote:'at least' 80% performance increase by adding a second GPU *Outside of select synthetic benchmarks
  11. How is this news? Surely we all know by now what both consoles are capable of WHY ARE WE STILL SURPRISED THIS IS A THING?
  12. I'd say between 24 - 30% performance increase over a reference 980 is a massive difference.
  13. Just to point out a few things with your previous 2 posts; - Nowhere in this new post or the source article does it say anything about limiting MFAA to only recent cards. - You have no idea about the hardware complications that shadowplay, DSR and MFAA brought when using cards that weren't in development at the time. You can't expect that 'if shadowplay works on a 780 it's obviously going to work no problems on a 480'. That's not how it works.