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lol, EA's comment has gotten 325K downvotes


They deserve it though -_-


The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes.

No EA, the intent is to make as much money as possible.

  1. TacoSenpai


    Another reason not to buy EA games...I don't know when it will be given how big they are and how much money they have but eventually this crap will bite them in the ass.  At this point anything made by EA is eyecandy and micro transactions nothing else.

  2. PCGuy_5960
  3. TacoSenpai


    I'm just waiting for the day they release madden for $60 with only the super bowl teams playable and needing to pre order the 100 "deluxe" version to play as all 32 teams. But yes BF1 was a happy anomaly.

  4. The Benjamins

    The Benjamins

    it was 250k a few hours ago lol

  5. Tieox


    Fuck EA, they could make a fair system but no, they have gotten FAR too greedy.

  6. TVwazhere


    Glad I didnt buy the game after all. the alpha was neat

  7. MEC-777


    Problem is the stats show they are making more money this way and thus, will become the norm going forward, even though it's not really what gamers want. We need to vote with our wallets and actually do it.   

  8. PCGuy_5960


    I was going to buy Battlefront 2, but idk, I am seriously considering not buying it, because of all these microtransactions. :S

  9. MEC-777


    It really is getting out of hand and making games royally suck. Hopefully they can take a hint from over 300k downvotes. That's quite significant. 

  10. WereCat


    Just watch interview with the EA/DICE guy on AngryJoe YT channel... so much BS my ears started to bleed 1min into the video.

    The only thing I feel after opening loot boxes is not pride/heroism but empty wallet, betrayal, and screams of damnation from other players.

    Fuck You EA, BF1 is the only game I bought and most likely last if you will continue doing what you're doing.

  11. PCGuy_5960



    Fuck You EA, BF1 is the only game I bought and most likely last if you will continue doing what you're doing.

    I really hope that they don't mess Battlefield 2018 up. :/

  12. The Benjamins

    The Benjamins

    Paid loot boxes are terrible, the only type of loot box that should exist is progression earned boxes. (examples LOL, ect) unlike these games and even in game currency ones like Forza 7

  13. WereCat


    @The Benjamins Agree, Overwatch does it quite well.

  14. 8uhbbhu8


    This is why I refuse to buy any of their new games. If I get them as a part of a bundle or free? Fine. But paying anything over half price for me is a no due to this scumbaggery.

  15. WereCat


    EA Sports

    It's in the game! (behind multiple pay walls)

  16. NoRomanBatmansAllowed


    So... the embed of this comment is showing 0 points (probably removed by a mod or something).


    Anyways just a quick update, it's up to -439k points now.

  17. Tieox


    GLORIOUS, I hope it passes a million :D

  18. PCGuy_5960


    -464k now. Damn, this comment is getting A TON of hate. xD

  19. 8uhbbhu8


    Just saw this :P If its even remotely true that that many people are not going to buy the game then lmao (doesn't take into account reseller/EA margins) 



    Now at -466293 :P 

  20. 8uhbbhu8


    They lowered the hero prices :P GG Reddit!

  21. PCGuy_5960


    They did lower the prices, but IMO heroes should be free. :P

  22. The Benjamins

    The Benjamins

    I heard they also lowered the amount of points you get 75% too.

  23. PCGuy_5960


    Oh, then what's the point? lol

  24. TVwazhere


    the point is to make it look like theyre making change, when in reality theyre making no change whatsoever and getting praise for it

  25. 8uhbbhu8


    @The Benjamins I thought it said they lowered the COST of heroes %75
