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Lazy developers...:dry:

Forcing medical staff and students to use Java, older Windows version and antiquated Internet Explorer which are by the way not secure ?




It won't even work with IE11 on Windows 10 despite installing the Java plugin.

  1. DrMacintosh


    You just don't understand man. It's called ship it and abandon it. It's what every single client based developer has done, ever.  

  2. imreloadin


    Welcome to the world of software used in Enterprise environments...where companies build everything around a single version of a piece of software that they bought from a company that doesn't exist anymore so there is no support or updates and it can never be replaced because it's too crucial to be down and there are too many workflows created around it!

  3. amdorintel


    not lazy devs, more like budgeting issues/money problems

  4. imreloadin


    @amdorintel in my experience it's always the bean counters going "well we already have a license for "insert software here" that works perfectly fine"...

  5. amdorintel


    @imreloadin which is related to money. then the other is, does it in fact work perfectly fine or not, if it does then so be it

  6. imreloadin


    @amdorintel just because it's related to money doesn't mean it's because the company has budgeting issues/money problems though...so it's kinda disingenuous to just chalk all issues with the Finance Dept holding things up to being money problems for the company. In my experience it's usually because Finance doesn't consider it a "business need" to replace a 20 year old piece of software because in their eyes it works just fine, this has no bearing on their ability to budget money effectively however.
