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About Flurr

  • Birthday July 19

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    Tech, Football (Soccer), Gaming
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    The Perph Guy

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  1. The ZA series is similar to the EC series but is newer. I know many people that have used both but prefer the ZA. I would go with the ZA13 for smaller hands.
  2. That's not that bad for the new ranking system, you're about the average player now :3
  3. Factory New Howl with Howling Dawn from this guy in my casual game. And then just the random floating body during co-op :3
  4. If you've decided that it's between these two mice then go with the G502.
  5. Unless if you have a good computer store in your area you might not find much, I have to drive down to Chicago to find somewhere to try out mice. However, if you do have a place then I'd go there and see what you like. If you play games like CS:GO then I would recommend Zowie. I'd recommend the FK1/2 for claw grip and the ZA series for palm. Go check them out and if you have any questions feel free to ask!
  6. Logitech > Razer, but I wouldn't get the G910 if you plan to do any typing. It has really weird bumbs on the key caps that makes me type a lot slower. I'd recommend looking at Cooler Master, Ducky, or Corsair for a keyboard.
  7. Lol I'm bad, I'm silver 1 after update, but I'm playing with Silver 2s now, is that a good sign :3
  8. Thanks for all of the help so far everyone! I will look into those coolers @brob! Also, here is the permalink if you still need it @jkeasley http://pcpartpicker.com/p/XpzGWZ. @JamesKennedy97 I also going to use it for rendering, hence the i7.
  9. Hey everyone, I'm gonna be building a new build soon and I was wondering what everyone thought of it. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/TheFlurryGames/saved/#view=VJDTwP I have considered changing the cooler to a Noctua, would you recommend that instead? I also would like to stick within this price range and perhaps go a little bit lower. What suggestions do you have? Thanks in advance!
  10. Colors isn't everything lol, that's still $10 more and to some people that can be a lot. If he doesn't want the buttons he shouldn't get it because of colors.
  11. Got a PS4 for Christmas and am addicted to Battlefront even though I suck... I'm turning over to the dark side :(((

  12. yasss, this means that TSM is recruiting me in all of my silver goodness :3
  13. I'm an EnVyUs fan and don't like NaVi, but I have to say Guardian>kennyS>JW
  14. I would look at the Zowie EC1-A or ZA11 for large hands with palm grip!