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  1. Like
    ShiroiTenshi reacted to Wonders3004 in New SSD   
    they are just jumper pins and most modern hdds dont use them anymore in fact only brand i have bought recently has been toshiba same as yours never seen an ssd with them but you dont actually have a jumper on there so it shouldnt really matter . they used to be there to pick whether it was a master or slave drive. i think i remeber reading somewhere that it can also decide if it was sata 1.5gb or 3gb
  2. Like
    ShiroiTenshi got a reaction from Ruostunut kokis in 3D Software. ;(   
    Yea I heard the opposite, that it's very easy to learn and stuff. But since all others cost 2352335234523$ then I will just stick to Blender for now. ^^
  3. Like
    ShiroiTenshi got a reaction from SirRoderick in CV... Are you serious? Here? Yes.   
    lol it's weird that you guys don't know what CV is. ^^I thought everyone knows the meaning of it so I didn't explain it. 
  4. Like
    ShiroiTenshi got a reaction from Oberon.Smite in Ultimate case downgrade (90s Theme) FINISHED   
    But... but, why? ;D
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    ShiroiTenshi reacted to Markmjb in Ultimate Programming Resources Thread   
    Some of you guys might now Zonked thread with the exact name. He started the topic to gather our knowledge of the best programming stuff you can find.
    So first, a thank you for Zonked who started this work!
    Since he is unable to update the thread regularly, I will, with the consensus of alpenwasser, continue his thread.
    Zonkeds intro
    I decided it would be a good idea to have a thread that is a complete collection of helpful programming resources and tutorials. This will be an going, frequently updated post that will require input from you guys also. So help me build the ultimate programming resources thread. Simply leave them in the comments and I will add them.

    General Programming Resources
    Stack Overflow -A forum inhabited by professional developers. You can also ask questions and will receive help.
    MIT Open Courseware -Online Computer Science lectures from MIT University. Features lectures, resources and handouts
    The New Boston - Video tutorials of lots of languages, also entertaining.
    Code Cademy - Interactive learning with rewards in a variety of languages
    Code School - Interactive Tutorials in a variety of languages
    TopCoder - Programming competitions
    Google Code Jam - Archived Google Jam contests and exercises
    USACO Training Gateway - Programming problems
    Tutorials Point - Extensive written tutorials about a variety of languages
    Tutorialized - Tutorial Site with the code embedded next to the tutorials
    Educator - Tutorial site on a variety of languages

    Learn Python The Hard Way - Extensive HTML book on the basic of Python
    Dive Into Python - Same concept as the above resource, but slightly more advanced
    PyGame - Features tutorials for Python game development.
    Python.Org - Official Python website. Includes tutorials and documentation.
    Invent With Python - Online tutorials of actual programs and games (very good!)

    Live Gnome - Variety of C resources and projects
    Learn C The Hard Way - Learn C the Hard way (Work In Progress)
    C Programming WikiBook - C programming Wiki
    Tutorials Point - Lots of C resources
    Learn C.org - Interactive C resources
    [bOOK] C Programming in Easy Steps -  Mike McGrath (isbn 978-1840785449)

    MSDN - Official Site for C#
    Home and Learn - Beginner C# Tutorials
    C# Crash Course

    C++ Reference - C++ reference
    C Plus Plus - Official C++ reference
    Tutorials Point - C++ tutorials
    C Programming - In depth tutorials on C++
    MSDN Visual C++ - Visual C++ tutorials
    Stephan T. Lavavej Video Tutorials: Core C++
    Stephan T. Lavavej Video Tutorials: STL
    Stephan T. Lavavej Video Tutorials: Advanced STL

    Visual Basic
    VB Code - VB tutorials
    Home and Learn - Basic Visual Basic tutorials
    Tutorials Point - Loads of great VB tutorials
    Tutorialized - Even more Visual Basic tutorials

    Oracle Docs - Official Java documents
    Code Ranch - Great Java forum
    Tutorials Point - Lots of Java Tutorials
    Learn Java Online - Lots of Java resources and interactive learning
    Programcreek Great Java Tutorial Site

    W3 Schools - Good starting point for html/css/javascript
    Mozilla Developers - Web development tutorials
    HTML Dog - HTML, CSS and JavaScript tutorials
    CSS Tricks - CSS Tutorials
    JsFiddle - Javascript Collab Tool

    Better PHP - PHP Video tutorials of code snippets
    PHP Academy - PHP videos and tutorials
    PHP.Net - Useful PHP documentation

    Learn SQL the hard Way - Learn SQL the Hard Way

    Perl.Org - Official Perl website.
    Perl Meme - Perl Tutorials.
    Perl Begin - Perl for beginners.
    Modern Perl Books - Book on Pearl
    High Order Perl Book - High Order Pearl Book

    Try Ruby - Ruby interactive resources.
    Learn Ruby The Hard Way - Learn Ruby the Hard Way

    Android Development
    Android Developers - Official Google docs, tutorials, guides, tips and tricks
    Google Developers - News and guides for a variety of languages including Android development
    XDA Developers - #1 Android dev forum. Includes tutorials, ROMS, news, tips, techniques and much more!!!

    iOS Development
    Apple Documentation - Official Apple Documentation
    Apps A Muck - Lots of iOS development tutorials
    App Coda - More iOS application development

    3D Programming
    OpenGL Tutorials
    Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming

    Free Programming Book List on Github
    Stackoverflow C++ Book Guide
    Think Python -Allen Downey
    Design for the non Designer -Robin WIlliams
    The Pragmatic Programmer -Dave Thomas
    Javascript: The Good Parts -Douglas Crockford
    Code Complete -Steve McConnell
    The Art of Computer Programming -Donald Knuth
    Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists -John Truss
    The art of Unix Programming -Eric S. Raymond
    Head First Java and Design Patterns -Eric Freeman
    C Programming Language -Brian Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie
    Computers as Components -Wayne Wolf
    Operating Systems Concepts with Java -Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Galvin, Greg Gagne
    Higher Order Perl - Mark Jason Dominus
    Perls of Wisdom - Steve Litt
    The C++ Programming Language -Bjarne Stroustrup
    Game Coding Complete -Mike McShaffry
    Introduction to Algorithms -Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Riverst
    Computer Organisation and Architecture -Linda Null and Julia Lobur
    The Mythical Man-Month -Frederick P. Brooks JR
    Computer Organisation and Design -David A. Patterson and John L. Hennesy
    Architecture of Open Source Applications
    Modern C++ Design -Andrei Alexandrescu
    Computer Networking: A top-down approach featuring the internet -
    Database System Concepts -Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan
    Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach -Stuart Russel, Peter Norvig
    Concepts in Programming Languages -John C. Mitchell
    The Art of Prolog -Leon Sterling, Ehud Shapiro
    Elements of the Theory of Computation -Papadimitriou
    Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice -Hughes, van Dam, McGuire, Sklart
    Java - How to Program -Harvey & Paul Deitel
    Thinking in Java -Bruce Eckel
    C++ Primer Plus (6th Edition) (Developer's Library)-Stephen Prata

    Microsoft Visual Studio - Microsoft Visual Studio (C, C#, C++)
    Eclipse - Eclipse (Java/Android)
    Netbeans (Java)
    Code Blocks - Code Blocks (C++)
    Bloodshed (C++)
    Android Studio
    Jetbrains - Several IDE's and/or plugins that make C#/Python/Java/Php etc easier to code

    Text Editors
    Text Mate (Mac)
    Sublime Text(Windows/Linux)
    Aptana -Open source web development tool
    Qt Project - C++/QML IDE
    VIM -Advanced (!) Text Editor (small tutorial[/url)
    Emacs -Advanced (!) Text Editor

    Gamedev.net - A forum full of professional game developers
    DBforums - Database Forums
    Codingbat - Java & Python Challenges
    Bitbucket - Source Control Provider like github, but then Private
    Sourcetreeapp - Tool to manage github/bitbucket
    OverAPI - Cheatsheets for several languages
    Regexr - Regular Expressioin Tester
    Project Euler - Programming and math exercises (Can get quite advanced)

    Contributors So far...
    fletch to 99
  6. Like
    ShiroiTenshi reacted to Mattyd7829 in Someone called because my mom had computer issues   
    the way they usually work is to direct you to a website where they can take control of your pc. Microsoft will never call you about your pc, neither will anyone else. Hang up on them and forget the call.
  7. Like
    ShiroiTenshi got a reaction from Geekazoid in Another (Kill me please) problem with monitor or GPU.   
    Of course lol thanks for all this today. ^^