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  1. ARikozuM


    But seriously. I don't quite understand how they shun independents and then act surprised when they don't get the votes. 

  2. DrMacintosh
  3. captain_to_fire


    I don’t know why they can’t get off of the Clintons who was responsible for transforming the DNC into the party of the professional, managerial class who valued deregulation, disastrous free trade, and now values virtue signaling. They seem to have forgotten about Obama’s foreign policy shortcomings that allowed China to become Southeast Asia’s bully not to mention the half-assed ACA. 

  4. Techstorm970


    DNC is more worthy of a drill sergeant roast session than, like, almost anyone right now.


    You're scared of losing the young vote, so you bring in fuckin' BILLIE EILISH as if she was some infinite source of wisdom?!  Do they think all college students are glorified 13 year olds???


    (Admittedly, some of them are, but I think the worse reality is that the DNC is so out of touch that the best they can do to the youth who *might* vote for their candidates is degrade and guilt-trip them.)


    If Trump wins both the electoral college AND the popular vote, it's probably because of the DNC's toxic levels of arrogance.  Seriously, you had 20-something choices to work with, and you pick the one who has aged so bad that he basically can't piece an intelligent sentence together without reading it off a teleprompter or a printed Word document?!


    And then, to further that, your only consistent campaign message is "beat the other guy" and the rest is a flip-floppy, self-contradictory mess.


    "thiS iS tHe mOsT iMpOrTanT eLeCtiON eVeR!"  Nah, it's probably the dumbest, most embarrassing election ever for our country!
