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You know you use IKEA a lot when the keyboard suggests IKEA as a suggestion.




Also, I am kidding. It’s just a shortcut so I don’t need to CAPS LOCK everytime. Also, lingon Sylt is the best stuff with whiskey.

  1. Skanky Sylveon
  2. Skanky Sylveon
  3. ARikozuM


    You’re missing out. I can walk 5 miles in an hour just being there. It may be “junk” to people, but the saved money goes to better hardware and aesthetics.

  4. Skanky Sylveon

    Skanky Sylveon

    @ARikozuM What the fuck are you talking about?

    Also, I have been in an IKEA before.

  5. Murasaki


    IKEA to people here is just overpriced furniture. 

  6. Tiwaz