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I've been awake for 26 hours... 


My body doesn't want to fall asleep. I've run a total of 10 miles between yesterday and this morning. Did my weightlifting and calisthenics. Reread The Five People You Meet in Heaven, cooked dinner 13 hours early, had a second breakfast without actually breaking fast (to go without food), and then started reading Dante's Inferno. 


Still not tired. Someone just administer a sedative. 


I already have a diffuser with lavender and peppermint going. 


Should I buy the Olympus 10 Mk.2 or Mk.3? 


Just go to bed, Body! 


Insert "I can see the Matrix" reference. 

  1. TacoSenpai
  2. DimasRMDO


    Hasil gambar untuk squidward tired

    To be honest I have no experience regarding camera, so no comment on that xD

  3. captain_to_fire


    Diaze... just drink some fresh milk and read a boring book. Maybe one of your old college textbooks 

  4. ARikozuM


    I'm not reading Shakespeare. Besides, I have work in two hours. 

  5. WereCat


    Drink a coffee

  6. ARikozuM
  7. TacoSenpai


    cleanses the bowels and enables deep focus



  8. WereCat



    Same, but it may make you tired after the caffeine runs out

  9. ARikozuM


    Yes, "deep focus" on WHY THE F@CK we added popcorn texture to the bathroom walls... 

  10. Jtalk4456


    @ARikozuM here just watch this



  11. Ryujin2003
  12. captain_to_fire
  13. TopHatProductions115
  14. ARikozuM


    I ate lunch around 3PM and I immediately fell asleep afterwards. An hour later, I was wide awake and back to normal.
