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This is why I laugh at the media that tries to cover gaming:


  1. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    Incredible. Honestly, media trying to defame video games is just hilarious because of how exaggerated everything is.


    Fortnite has got to be one of the most kid-friendly shooting games I have ever seen, how could it possibly be "too violent".

  2. DrMacintosh


    The Alien franchises is significantly more violent and I don’t see much complaining. 

  3. ARikozuM


    The issue is that many of these studios are responsible for movies and they see gaming as a possible deterrent for future movie-goers. I don't know if this is the case with the Aussie news program, but it is the case with most of the USA news outlets.

  4. Crunchy Dragon

    Crunchy Dragon

    Is that why they're making all these video game movies?

  5. DrMacintosh


    US corporate media is only good for real time coverage. 


    I only pay attention to new media news shows. 

  6. ARikozuM


    @leadeater Are the news outlets in NZ and Australia owned by film studios?

  7. ARikozuM


    @Crunchy Dragon Yes, but they've all gone the way of E.T. since inception. 

  8. ARikozuM


    Sorry, what?

  9. Techstorm970


    @Crunchy Dragon


    how could it possibly be "too violent"?

    One word: guns.  That's their only argument.  This whole video game violence issue is only coming back from the dead because all the f**ktard SJWs wanted it to.

  10. leadeater


    lol the delay between words. Also not that I have seen, but I don't really watch a lot of NZ news. However I work in education and kids playing Fortnite in school is not a wide spread problem here.
