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Everything posted by ObeseWalrus

  1. Everyone says that... basically if you ask you won't become one.
  2. PoE is bae, discovered that when i had to install 12 ap's under the roof in a school
  3. ObeseWalrus

    Florida universities are doing a journalism con…

    @mgsstar The issue is not that we don't have the resources, it's that the distribution of immigrants are super uneven and the governments are doing a real shitty job of integrating them
  4. ObeseWalrus

    Coolcklinger1 asked for a discord invite. You s…

    You cheeky bastard. Tell him that he can contact me. If you want an invite go through @GaIaxy
  5. ObeseWalrus

    Florida universities are doing a journalism con…

    If you choose the immigration crisis in europe I'll be happy to be interviewed
  6. ObeseWalrus

    Florida universities are doing a journalism con…

    Have you thought about a topic?
  7. If you want to join a really cool Discord chatroom with some great guys here from LTT then PM me, or GaIaxy, or Minibois, or Stijncat... Or me!

  8. I want the kova because it looks cool
  9. ObeseWalrus

    TIL Alkaline battery acid is very corrosive.

    Who would have thought?
  10. People who look at their phones when they are driving.
  11. ObeseWalrus

    This whole fucking forum is a salt mine, too mu…

    Good thing this forum is so salty or else we would slip on the icy roads.
  12. The smartest choice here would be to go with a 390, the raw performance is better and the extra VRAM will help with 1440p. The drivers can also only be better because my 970 crashes all the time.
  13. I think we should not just spread the franku shit all over this serious attempt to make music, but you're right. it is joji behind frank.