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Everything posted by Shally

  1. My favorite response to this launch was in YouTube comments and it just said: "what"
  2. "Free" shouldn't have to be in the title. It should just be known.
  3. Shally

    Running club

    I got myself a lovely pair of underarmor shorts which have been a life saver so far, will likely pick another pair up
  4. Shally

    Running club

    I don't but I'd also be interested in peoples gear
  5. Shally

    Running club

    Yeah seems it alright!
  6. Shally

    Running club

    Im hoping to do tough mudder at some point, my brother recommended it also
  7. Shally

    Running club

    It's what I'm doing now, the c25k felt a bit too easy since I know I can run for more than a couple minutes at a time, but this seems more doable
  8. Shally

    Running club

    Why dont you start the b210k? (Bridge to 10k)
  9. Shally

    Running club

    I live in a city and cycling is pretty frustrating here since people dont cater for cyclists at all, but overall cycling is also enjoyable
  10. Shally

    Running club

    Any runners in this forums? I've just started back running and would love to hear some of your achievements!
  11. Can you back up ANY of these claims? Also what reviews are people asking for so?
  12. Why would they risk being exposed as frauds which would ruin their entire channel based off a few extra bucks? Don't be so narrow minded. EVERY other reviewer of the phone said the same things if not worse.
  13. Or...hear me out...they think the Google Pixel 3 is better than this phone...
  14. I fell asleep minutes before this thread. I am very happy to have avoided this dumpster fire of "OS X IS WAY BETTER THAN OS Y BECAUSE IT'S THE ONE I USE"
  15. And even then I wouldn't worry about it. It isn't gonna feel like a HDD
  16. Oh I see, but once again I don't use that feature very often. I think out of the 20% of paying users, 95% probably just buy it for offline mode and having everything song imaginable at your finger tips, including myself. Honestly I don't care about any other premium feature since I just don't think its used often enough to complain about
  17. This one I can see why they charge for this, as I find it "kinda" useful from time to time. But why would I spent money on speakers AND pay $10 for that feature? Surely it can't be used often enough for that
  18. If I spent money on Spotify speakers I would expect to not have to pay $10 a month to use them... No wonder I've never heard of them, it sounds like a awful idea
  19. Where do you get those 80-20 numbers from? And what even is Spotify Connect...