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Everything posted by Shally

  1. This is like this, except the manufacturer also made the tyres much less resistant to wear and tear and therefore has to be done much more regular at absurd prices.
  2. Cleaning out a computer case requires two Phillips head screws, and at best thumb screws. I don't have to take my case to corsair or HP to have them clean it for me because I can't get the tools required.
  3. It soon will be cheaper. Without a doubt. That's why people will buy it.
  4. Also cows for milk don't require near as much feed as cows for meat are.
  5. Excess is the amount of cows we need that will make up the byproducts, which is FAR less than the amount we need for food and byproducts
  6. Well were 100% sure the method we have to day is NOT beneficial.
  7. Turn the excess into meat. And the energy to make lab meat is FAR less than normal meat
  8. That's good, I don't mind that at all. But those farms make up a tiny % of the meat being farmed.
  9. I like this take on things. Were farming cows before their even conceived that's how smart humans have gotten.
  10. I'm shocked at how many people of this sub aren't willing to even consider changing their ways even when told about how beneficial this stuff is. It will literally save so many lives in the long run but "hur dur I want natural meat with my natural medication and my natural lifestyle, who cares if it's killing both humans and animals"
  11. I'm guessing you've never tried lab meat and you're already saying no to it. What's your reasons?
  12. It is also a major factor in global warming. This is a good thing.
  13. Then go out and hunt animals because there is no naturally raised meat on the market.
  14. I'm still very happy I got my 1070 ti, I thought the 590 would be more compelling
  15. Not going to lie, those scenes with RTX on ULTRA looked pretty sick so in a few years time I'm really looking forward to playing ultra realistic AAA titles
  16. And it's bloody beautiful. Also the Evolv X has TONNE of features, so I'd go with either of them.