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Everything posted by gonvres

  1. There is nothing even close in the tablet sphere. Cheap Android tablets 'suck'
  2. Good video. Informative, no bullshit. Even the thumbnail was fine
  3. Didn't they say that the thumbnails would be click bait but the videos would remain high quality? This whole video was click bait
  4. I would however like a video on if the cheapest CURRENT generation motherboard really makes any difference. As whenever you build a cheap system for a family member you always see those $50/60 ASROCK boards or something, but I always just spend $20-30 more as I feel I'm getting a bit better build quality and reliability.
  5. You get more Adsense money if you make the video longer. I believe 10 minutes is the magic cutoff. They probably did their testing and realized there was no other way to make this 10 minutes. Interesting topic, but terrible video
  6. Embarrassing way to pad it out to over 10 minutes
  7. I'm still shocked how many people buy the 7700K. Most people I know in person when building a new system tend to just buy a low tier i5 quad core, as they're typically plenty enough and well priced. Now of course that would be a Ryzen 5.
  8. The expected lifespan of laptops is one year? What? I'd be very disappointed if I didn't get 5 years out of a high end laptop. My 2012 Macbook Pro still runs like a charm.
  9. Since we never got a thread for the video. I just can't believe the IO and alcantara choice they went with on it. Its still shocking to me that they wouldn't include USB Type C, not even one. But that Alcantara keyboard is even worse. I work with alcantara as I work in the automotive industry and I see how poorly the stuff wears. People with cars just a couple of years old come back with horrible dark patches on their alcantara wheels, and like any fabric you can stain it, don't dare use the system with dirty hands. I just don't get that design choice, a fabric area of the laptop on the most high volume touched part? Its primary used in racing cars due to its grip and also its a flame retardant. A laptop needs neither.
  10. For this to be accurate you'd have to plug in the Type B connector the wrong way 60% of the time.
  11. Is this finally the video that we can say LTT has jumped the shark?
  12. I know these are basically marketing stunts, but does anyone actually buy them? Who on earth would buy something with such a huge 'docking station'. Just buy a laptop for when not at home and a desktop for at home.
  13. This is a really great little device and I could completely see how useful it would be to take it around with you to work. You're not going to type essays, but an actual keyboard is still miles better than a touch based input in my view. I guess the key question is, is it fundamentally better than an iPad? Of course its more open, but an iPad can do most of those things.
  14. Its not really 'cringe', its just most people don't have the faintest idea how to use a computer and never venture past the desktop.
  15. Maybe in that instance I agree. However there is another example. I built a system for my brother a year ago, a 256gb/2tb storage setup because he said he absolutely had to have a lot of storage space. He put everything on the 256gb drive, filled it up, then complained it was out of storage. He has no idea how to manage what data goes on what drive. There are no doubt more like him.
  16. Everyone seems to hate this octane upgrade, but to me it makes a lot of sense. Its not for those of us with a SSD and a HDD, its for building a box for your 70 year old mother. She doesn't want to think about multiple hard drives, yet this will give her SSD like performance when you can still have a mechanical 1tb drive to store all of the stuff. I think its a great idea. A small performance decrease for the enthusiast means a lot less drive management for the mainstream customers. 1tb storage drive + cheap octane memory is still cheaper than a 1tb storage drive + 256gb SSD.
  17. I watched this... I'm not sure what they're doing. Is this some type of other platform to rival youtube and vessel? (now vessel has gone, shock horror). Is it going to be for non LMG members?
  18. Promised to cut down the thumbnails.. makes the first minute a moving thumbnail.
  19. Reminds me a lot of this: The 'apology' that tells you more or less why you're wrong. I'm not saying I particularly care or whatever, high end content will matter to me more than stupid thumbnails. But this could more be 'reasons why were going to continue to use the thumbnails' than anything. As long as the titles don't turn into "50 REASONS WHY THE 1080TI IS THE MOST IMPORTANT VIDEO CARD LAUNCHED THIS YEAR!!!" then I'll probably keep clicking.
  20. Cool, but is $500 meant to be cheap? You could buy a small desk for <$100 and just sit the PC on the floor next to it.
  21. Agreed. But it does seem slightly deceptive when you see in reviews for instance a 480 can get 50-60fps at 1080P, when in reality with a few less settings it can do 100fps.
  22. Makes a lot of sense to me. Especially when testing the viability of mid end cars, that could see huge gains by changing a few insignificant settings.
  23. I have to wonder how many people are lying on this. I really can't believe the 7700K is the most common CPU listed. Would people lie in a completely anonymous internet poll? Probably.
  24. Yes I think a 4690 should be perfectly fine for 1080P.