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  1. I love going back and watching the old school videos I never watched before. Its nice to compare now and than... kind of nostalgic.
  2. my favourite thing is probably the screen, but that keyboard looks pretty awesome as well.
  3. My favourite has to be the buttons on the back and the SD slot.
  4. Not that much to say about it really except hell ya! Here is the link to his post, you can see proof and also we already know that's his account. http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1zg3b8/gabe_newell_ama_100_pm_pst/
  5. AMA 3 Confirmed! http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1zg3b8/gabe_newell_ama_100_pm_pst/
  6. I am actually so happy for you right now! I was surprised you could act so normal on your videos without knowing where your cat was. again really happy to hear this!
  7. Figured I would comment on this as I have done a bit of game development in the past. All games are made on a PC for consoles/phones/handhelds and so on. The issue is that they are made for the platform they will be running on, not for PC. So once the games are actually compiled they won't run on a PC unless it runs inside an emulator (which is usually slow and buggy from what I've seen). I am guessing the nice thing about the new consoles is that their architecture is similar enough to PCs that devs might be able to re-use certain parts of their code and just recompile it to run on a PC (as I am sure you heard a bunch of times by now).
  8. The problem is that companies think they have to change the game and ruin it that way.
  9. Whats the difference between running this and connecting the USB DAC straight into your PC?
  10. This kind of makes sense, seeing as how the new consoles basically have the same power as a GTX 660.
  11. my toothbrush uses wireless charging to charge...mind: blown!
  12. too expansive when a Nexus 4 is 200 bucks... Also I don't like iOS because I like rooting and ROMing. I think mobile processing power is getting pretty amazing, but to be honest I don't really see the point for a phone. I never play games on my phone since its just a bad form factor, even if the graphics were on par with the PC.
  13. you definitely need to beat it to get it hard, sometimes even twice!