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  1. you called your local police station for help and they asked "how  the hell did you get this number?!?"
  2. bees were the size of dogs and one stung you...
  3. you woke up to find out that the internet and phone services were down and all pants and or skirts were missing from your house and all your underwear had big holes in the front
  4. you pooed kfc... (would you sell it?) 0,0
  5. aliens came to you and told you that you are their leader spy sent to earth to gather intel and they can restore your memory and all you have to do is go with them...
  6. you saw a real life dragon (would you tell people?)
  7. what you thought was true all along and the government has tiny cameras in your house watching you


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1 minute ago, Dan Castellaneta said:

What if...

you were on drugs?

Drugs are never the answer. I suppose you're asking what influenced those scenarios o.o.... hmm...

  1. I called up my uncle whos a cop (used some1 elses phone) and thats how he answered 
  2. a bee stung my dog
  3. was laundry day 
  4. you dont wanna know
  5. dream i had
  6. you wouldn't believe me
  7. facebook


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1 minute ago, SupremeGOAT said:

Drugs are never the answer. I suppose you're asking what influenced those scenarios o.o.... hmm...

  1. I called up my uncle whos a cop (used some1 elses phone) and thats how he answered 
  2. a bee stung my dog
  3. was laundry day 
  4. you dont wanna know
  5. dream i had
  6. you wouldn't believe me
  7. facebook


Check out my guide on how to scan cover art here!

Local asshole and 6th generation console enthusiast.

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as stated in the posting guidelines (seems you missed): https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/234698-posting-guidelines-please-read/


These are the specific guidelines all users must follow when posting in the Off-Topic thread. They are subject to change/update at any time.

  1. First of all, ALL the items of the Community Standards apply to the Off-Topic section.
  2. The Off-Topic section is NOT for junk posts, SPAM, trolling and just any old thing.
  3. The Off-Topic section IS for productive threads that may not fall into one of the already laid out sections of the forum. At all times though, this is a tech centered and focused forum.



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