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first build... need some serious help

Go to solution Solved by Epicanor,
27 minutes ago, Alexsolo said:

Yes but there's no point, games will use the IGPU and not the graphics card in this case. What you need to do is get a better monitor or a DisplayPort to VGA adapter.

Well... that's not what I meant. No matter I think I got the answer off of a different forum anyways. Thanks for the help though.

Okay, so, this is my first time building, or more accurately upgrading a pc. I got this https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883101650 , and I slapped new components into it, noteworthy being the psu 500 watt 80+ bronze. I got a GTX 1050 Ti mini since it was very cheap and had good performance for the price. 

However, upon hooking it up with a DVI-I to VGA adapter, I got no signal from the gpu. I figured it must have been the adapter and plugged directly into the motherboard. Still no signal.

This only happens when the card is plugged into the mobo

So it has to be a card issue. The card appears to not be DOA since the fan spins.

I've tried various driver updates to no avail.


Some info- 

OS windows 10 64 bit probably, but says x86 and I don't know the difference

Motherboard- no clue what BIOS is, but mobo is "Aspire TC-780(KBL)"


I only created an account because I am so stumped

no seriously, I tried for about 5 hours to get this to work


if you need more info, just say, i'm tired rn so I probably missed something


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8 minutes ago, Alexsolo said:

Best adapter to use would be a displayport to VGA from the videocard, I doubt it`s DOA, probably a bad adapter you have.

DVI-D (which is digital) might have issues converting to a VGA signal (which is analog)


well yeah, normally I would agree, but as I said in the post, "I figured it must have been the adapter and plugged directly into the motherboard. Still no signal." 


Sorry if I did not make it clear, I was referencing moving the from using an adapter into the gpu to plugging the vga connection directly into the motherboard. I get no signal from either while the gpu is on the motherboard.

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Your motherboard may not output video if you have a GPU in a PCI slot. Try removing the GPU and then see if you get a signal. If you do then it may be the adapter as someone else has said. Do you have any other display connections that you can use besides VGA? If you do then test those on the graphics card.

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17 minutes ago, xyz4512 said:

Your motherboard may not output video if you have a GPU in a PCI slot. Try removing the GPU and then see if you get a signal. If you do then it may be the adapter as someone else has said. Do you have any other display connections that you can use besides VGA? If you do then test those on the graphics card.

Would having the gpu in prevent a direct vga connection to the motherboard? because the monitor still goes black when I tried that. it's fine without the gpu in. and unfortunately I do not have any more connectors on me

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2 minutes ago, xyz4512 said:

^Can you elaborate because that makes 0 sense.

When I have the new gpu plugged into the motherboard and I have the monitor hooked up to it, I get a black screen with no boot or bios. Even when I switch it to a direct motherboard connection while still having the gpu in, it does the same thing.

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1 minute ago, Epicanor said:

When I have the new gpu plugged into the motherboard and I have the monitor hooked up to it, I get a black screen with no boot or bios. Even when I switch it to a direct motherboard connection while still having the gpu in, it does the same thing.

Ok so when the GPU isn't plugged in you are getting video from the motherboard? If that is the case sense most(if not all) mobos will disable the onboard video once it detects a GPU in the PCI slot. You should be able to change this in the BIOS under video prefence setting or something similar.

Have you tried putting the GPU in another PCI slot(if available)? Could be a bad slot.

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8 hours ago, Alexsolo said:

You have to remove the GPU from the machine and test plugging into the motherboard VGA port directly. Having a GPU in the computer will deactivate the IGPU (intergrated graphics on cpu/mobo)

"This only happens when the card is plugged into the mobo"


EDIT: okay so, is there any way to set the computer to boot with the integrated graphics while the gpu is in?

there are plenty of tutorials as to this online, but mine looks different; look at pics



Second image quality is bad, It says

Video Output: onboard

Standard Graphics controller: enabled


first option is unrelated


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27 minutes ago, Alexsolo said:

Yes but there's no point, games will use the IGPU and not the graphics card in this case. What you need to do is get a better monitor or a DisplayPort to VGA adapter.

Well... that's not what I meant. No matter I think I got the answer off of a different forum anyways. Thanks for the help though.

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