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Hey LTT forum, iv been around the internet looking for some ideas for a fix but to no avail.

I built a new top of the line PC (build here - https://pcpartpicker.com/list/shrbpG) and the audio desyncs with the video on all videos i watch both online or offline. The videos will start desyncing usually within 15 minutes of watching. a quick refresh of the website (twich youtube netflix) or closing and reopening VLC or WMP will fix the problem for a bit (the part that was desynced will be in sync so its not the actual videos) but then it goes back to being Desynced. i also realized now that if i switch tabs while watching a video on youtube it desyncs in around a minute. I need some help finding a fix for it cause its annoying as hell! 


Notes: All drivers are installed from the MOBO website. GPU drivers are up to date. Bios is up to date. The CPU is delidided and overclocked to 5ghz the gpu is overclocked to +100 core and + 500 memory. The monitor is a Asus mg28uq 4k overclocked to 70hz and a Philips 1080p display. 

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