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So, ever since I got my computer earlier this year, it has had one continuing issue. The system crashes after an image of the game I was just playing, distorted with Pink, blue, green and red boxes and lines is frozen on the screen. I first encountered this whilst playing GTA 5, which reported it as a "Failed Initialisation Error", I then encountered this issue on War Thunder, which said it was "a lack of video memory", dispite my graphics card having 4GB of the stuff. On both of these instances, my system did not crash, only the game I was running at the time. But the third time this happened, it did crash my system, and it gave me a stop code VIDEO_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL_ERROR. After a few more of these errors popped up, I decided to update my drivers and that didn't work, I tried reinstalling them and I got the same result. I even completely reinstalled windows 10 and the problem still persists. So, since then I've lived with it for a few months, and it has been countless errors and there were two instances where the stop code was different. One stop code: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, and the other CRITICAL_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTION. I find that turning my Nvidia settings to performance instead of quality seems to help a little with the problem, but it still happens and it's becoming frustrating. I do understand that it may be a hardware issue, in that case I'll try and use the warranty on the PC, but before I do that I just want to be sure it's necessary.

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What resolution and texture qualities were you playing at?

Want to know which mobo to get?


Choose whatever you need. Any more, you're wasting your money. Any less, and you don't get the features you need.


Only you know what you need to do with your computer, so nobody's really qualified to answer this question except for you.


chEcK iNsidE sPoilEr fOr a tREat!

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