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8 minutes ago, RiceKris_py said:

So recently I have been planning a budget PC build and I decided on a Ryzen 3 2200G system. I'm just wondering would it have any bottlenecks with GTX 1050/1050 Ti?

You should be saving up a bit more and buying an RX 570 or RX 580, they're 40-60% faster than a 1050ti for not much more money depending on sales.


Your CPU is fine for most games, but seriously just live with the iGPU for now if you have 3000mhz RAM it should be fine

I edit my posts a lot, Twitter is @LordStreetguru just don't ask PC questions there mostly...



What is your budget/country for your new PC?


what monitor resolution/refresh rate?


What games or other software do you need to run?



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