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Kernal-Power Error 41 BugcodeCheck 30


Whenever I'm away from my PC and it's locked or just idle I sometimes come back to it where it has restarted on its own and with a Kernel-Power Error 41 - BugcodeCheck 30 in the event log. This never occurs when the PC is in use for several hours and under any load or low load. This has only occured whenever its idle locked or unlocked. Dump files are attached as well.






Event Log:




BIOS updated to the latest version.


Really scratching my head here cause, seriously, it can happen several times a day or go days without it happening but just to stress this never occurs when the computer is in use under heavy load or no load. This has only happened whenever I come back to my computer and find it has rebooted itself while idle and that's whats in the event logs.


Windows Power Options were on Balance when it first started happening and even changing to Performance still the same issues.


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