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Floatplane Suggestions

Now obviously its alpha and there is a lot that will come to Floatplane.com in the next few months and much more in the coming years but i wanted to create a topic that the community could suggest features they would like to see Floatplane incorporate in the future. I would love for you all to reply with what you would like to see and i can add it to a master list within the main topic post. Maybe even have a member from floatplane chime in occasionally to say certain things will not be added ever or are coming soon so I can remove them or comment on them. I just want to see what ideas you all can come up with because after reading through the comments section within the floatplane alpha there are already some suggestions. Without further ado and in no order...

1. Tech quickie/CSF as a separate channel(or just a seperate playlist)

2. Linus cat tips as a separate channel(gotta get 100k on floatplane too)

3. A built in bug reporter (at least during alpha/beta stage)
4. A 10 second skip/rewind gesture for mobile users
5. A like button? Someone also suggested stars.
6. Dark Mode!!!!!
7. Preview for channel video thumbnails/titles before subscribing
8. Better video sorting since it currently is not sorted the same as on the forums
9. Resume video from the correct spot after leaving page
10. Proper way of mentioning and replying to people. Youtube ruined conversations in comments section let us get notified.
11. Wan Show
12. Automatic deletion of "first" "second" "third" comments lol
13. Speed toggle
14. Analytics like views 
15. Newest first and highest liked comment sorting
16. Personal playlist
17. Timestamps
18. Deletion and editing of comments
19. LMG memeoji pack like frankerfacez and bttv built into comment box

20. A bot to make the comments as toxic as youtube
21. A "youre an intel shill","youre an amd shill", and "your an nvidia shill" button to clean up the comments from posts that say one of those things.

I know some of these things will come but at this moment these are the things i see people asking for. I will try to keep this updated as best i can and again post what you want to see. (dont just copy everything that youtube might have)

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It would be good too see the channels separated; It would make it a bit easier to find old(er) videos. 

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

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