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My First Four Weeks of Hardware/Software Interface

I am a full-time sophomore undergraduate student at UAlbany. I am a Major in Informatics with a Concentration in Software Development and a Minor in Computer Science. If you wanna be technical, it's basically a Computer Science Major, but with nearly no math, a couple less Computer Science classes, and a plethora of Information Technology type of classes (web development, databases, emerging trends in tech, etc.).


I am currently taking the CSI 333 Course, "Hardware/Software Interface", with Professor Jonathan Muckle (very cool guy by the way). Before this class, I mostly developed websites using JavaScript and plenty of other stuff (Node, Express, etc.) but did a little Java for class. I also knew how to build a computer and how to solve a fair amount of Windows issues (thanks, Google xD). Going into this class, all I knew is that we would learn about how hardware and software interact and that we would be learning C. What I did not know? Well, I'll tell you.


Our first week, we were learning Binary, Hex, and basic assembly using MIPS. He assigned us to our $72 textbooks through zybooks. Zybooks, first of all, is one of the best things of this class. He compiled two textbooks together, and you are assigned participation activities within the reading. The readings themselves aren't terribly long, maybe a couple pages, but they're interactive, not buggy, and just... cool!


At this point, about four weeks in, I already know how to do basic assembly instructions and I can tell you that the number 426 in binary, off the top of my head, is 9 bits of 110101010.


Being a huge computer fan for the past decade ever since I was about 9 years old, finally starting to understand the core of what's going on it simply ridiculously awesome and mind-blowing.


Here's the example I stopped at to write this:



Look familiar in any way? Well here's a little excerpt too:



Here's a really cool diagram. 




I will say this. If you haven't gone to college or are currently there but undecided, I really implore you to pursue a career in Information Technology and/or Computer Science/Computer Engineering if you already liked this stuff as a kid and could see yourself doing it in the future.


I recommend that if you don't know how to program, that you start with something like Python or JavaScript and work yourself up from there. Never built a computer?... Uhh, wait a little bit so the market can slow down... or, if you want, go find some eBay listings. Scrapyard Wars from LTT themselves should be a good enough guide. :D 


For reference, if you want to check it out, here are the two books that the professor mashed together.







Thank you for reading through my mental diarrhea. I hope this was fun. :) 

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Learning is awesome and I am stoked that you are stoked about it.  I am currently pursuing my Ph.D and I look back to my undergrad, where you are now with very fond memories.  Let me just tell you, keep that momentum going.  If you stay in school and keep going you will continually have moments like this, where you see the world through a totally different lens and just have to sit back in awe.

Keep it up!

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