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DNS server on edgerouter lite

A bit of a long shot but here's my problem.


Youtube seems to run slow (very choppy or doesn't load) if i set my edgerouter lite's dns servers to either google dns or opendns on ipv4 and ipv6. I tried using this method and this method to set up the dns through the command line. The dns servers show up fine when I use

show dns forwarding nameservers


I'm a bit new to the command line so i only copied what they put (accounting for eth0 being my WAN).


However, if I set the dns through windows "Network->Adapter->ipv4/6", it seems to have no issues that I can tell. Videos playback smoothly.


Am I just configuring it incorrectly?

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6 hours ago, Verang said:

A bit of a long shot but here's my problem.


Youtube seems to run slow (very choppy or doesn't load) if i set my edgerouter lite's dns servers to either google dns or opendns on ipv4 and ipv6. I tried using this method and this method to set up the dns through the command line. The dns servers show up fine when I use

show dns forwarding nameservers


I'm a bit new to the command line so i only copied what they put (accounting for eth0 being my WAN).


However, if I set the dns through windows "Network->Adapter->ipv4/6", it seems to have no issues that I can tell. Videos playback smoothly.


Am I just configuring it incorrectly?

I set mine to google DNS using the web UI like in link 2. I rarely have YouTube issues, I mostly to find it to be a ISP throttling issue (goes away with a VPN)


here is a PIC of my setup.



if you want to annoy me, then join my teamspeak server ts.benja.cc

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2 hours ago, The Benjamins said:

I set mine to google DNS using the web UI like in link 2. I rarely have YouTube issues, I mostly to find it to be a ISP throttling issue (goes away with a VPN)


here is a PIC of my setup.




That's what I had it set to originally but I am using ipv6 now which introduces the issues. I could switch back to just ipv4, but wanted to know if I could get it working with both.

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