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Dsiplay Driver Crashing


This just started happening recently, I was watching youtube and all of a sudden i could see my taskbar even in fullscreen, then the display driver crashed and recovered so i though nothing of it cause that had happened some other times in the past and just a simple restart or a reinstall of the driver would solve it. But this time i restarted and it did it again, then i went into safe mode and used ddu to remove the driver then i reinstalled it and that lasted me about 2 hours. so i did it again and decided to avoid youtube, because for some reason youtube is what makes it crash. So i went to go play a csgo comp and i noticed i was getting lower than usual fps in the main menu but i thought "eh, whatever" and continued to queue for a match. well i finally loaded in and i was getting around 11 frames per second. It isnt only CS:GO either, I went to play some evolve and it did it there too, 11 fps (around maybe 12 maybe 10) I have tried everything ive seen online along with the standard restart and reinstall. I did the TdrDelay and tried both 8 and 10 settings(I saw that in a youtube video), i even RMA'd my Asus Strix gtx 980 and right now im using my Asus gtx 970 Turbo with all of the exact same problems and none of the solutions. Ive swapped RAM and the slots its in. Tried new power cables from the PSU to the GPU. But for some reason whenever i watch youtube my display driver crashes, it never crashes in-game, i just get horrible framerates and if i restart i can play just fine until i close the game then launch it again. I almost never ask questions online, i use this as a last resort, i try to find a solution online first, so please help me fix my pc and keep my sanity lol.

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