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Mouse/Screen Stutter

I've been having issues in almost every game where the screen jitters/micro stutters and it's as if the mouse is skipping pixels. When I move using the 'wasd' keys the edges of the screen are smooth and objects/textures render in perfectly. However, when I turn using the mouse objects/textures at the edge of the screen stutter when loading in. When I aim down-sight and try to make micro movements it skips pixels, making it very difficult to aim. If I move the mouse diagonally it's as if there is aliasing with the cursor. I have tried lowering the sensitivity in-game and using the mouse DPI and vis-versa, both have only made the issue marginally better. I have tried with acceleration on/off as well as motion blur--both did little to help. I have changed the refresh rate and locked the frame rate to both 60 and 144, neither has made a difference. The issue also occurs on my second monitor. The only game that this does not occur in is Arma 3 and TVOEC. I've also tried briefly using a regular computer mouse and the issue was still present. Any ideas? 



Asus VIII Hero MB
16gb DDR4 Ram
I7 6700K 
Logitech G502 Gaming Mouse
Main Monitor: Asus VG248QE 
Secondary Monitor: Samsung S24D590.

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If the issue occurs on both monitors, it is most likely your mouse or your system. Attempt using your mouse on a different system and see if it still jitters. (a laptop works fine as well) If it does, attempt using a different surface to move your mouse on. If that doesn't fix it, you may need to find another mouse :/ 

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