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I want to use Google Drive as a seedbox for BitTorrent Sync

I currently have an unlimited Google Drive account through my university, however, google drive is hard for me to use. I really do not like how it does not match file names while uploading through the web ui and the google sync client has been nothing but a nightmare since my NAS holds about 6 TB of data and the sync client is just not able to figure out what to do. 


So I am ditching google drive and going for bittorrent sync. However, I was wondering if it is possible to use google drive as a seedbox. 


Basically my home NAS will begin uploading to a VPS linux box whos file system is mounted to my google drive. Files will be uploaded locally to the VPS and pushed to google drive upon upload completion. Then when I am on the go and need fast access to my files I am able to use the VPS to seed files right from google drive. I don't think this is possible because I have been searching for a while now but I am not very experienced with linux just yet. Can anyone help me out? I love bittorrent sync but I would like to speed up my seeding since my home upload speed is very slow. 


I would like to avoid using any server that would cost money other than a vps. For example, I could rent a seedbox to do this task but I am limited to space requirements where as with google I have an unlimited amount of storage. 


Thanks for any help

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